2.HWAA ²

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The curtains to the theatre opened and the show started.....
You saw 6 beautiful women in white clothes, you couldn't really see their faces even if they weren't wearing anything on their faces..
There were other people watching too..
You thought
You: why am I feeling so hot?!
You opened the zip of your jacket but it didn't help...so you opened the jacket..
And while watching the show what really caught your attention was the red symbol at the bottom of the stage which was barely noticeable but you noticed it...
You started to feel Uneasy, as they were singing you noticed one more thing
The 'lyrics'
When you gave your whole attention to the lyrics,
The bridge of the song came up and
That's was the point when you saw a bright flame of fire at the edge of the stage burning everything that comes in
It's way-
The people screaming trying to runway
But couldn't...
You didn't even try to runway, you only heard the voices of the girls singing the angelic bridge_....
And when you realised what the lyrics were -
You knew that it's the end
Now you knew what the sign meant..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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