Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 

    I wondered if everyone in love felt like this. Was this ever-present, hot, sizzling fire running through my veins normal? I'd never experienced anything like it in my life.

    Every moment I was with Vance seemed wonderful, extraordinary, and magical, though we often felt like we were going crazy with need when we were together. And at the opposite end of the spectrum, every moment I was away from him seemed like torture, and I was filled with an indescribable aching.

    When we were apart, we spent a lot of time in each other's heads. It helped ease the separation a tiny bit, but Vance explained the feelings we were having were much greater than he'd ever heard of before. We finally decided to talk with Grandma about it and get her opinion.

    We entered the store and saw no one, so we headed into the back room and found Grandma there, working at her table. Her head popped up when we walked through the beaded curtain, and she looked at us for a second, concerned, and came to greet us.

    "Ah! A binding spell I see!" she said, looking carefully at us.

    "Is it that obvious?" I asked, continuing to cling to Vance's arm.

    "So obvious I wonder why I didn't feel it when you walked through the front door." She gave me a pointed look. "Here. Come sit with me." She gestured toward the table. "It's a very strong spell. Did you work it, Vance?" she asked, continuing to observe us, and he nodded.

    "I don't recall ever hearing of anyone experiencing a binding this strong," Vance said. "Did I do something wrong?"

    "No, I doubt that," Grandma replied, shaking her head. "For some reason the two of you have an extremely strong connection. The power of your magic is intensifying it dramatically I'd imagine."

    "It isn't always a bad thing," I piped up trying to explain. "It's just when we're apart, I feel like I'm going to die or something."

    Grandma laughed. "Well, dear. What's done is done. That's the trouble with spells. Sometimes you don't really know what the end result will be. The two of you are going to have to find a way to make things work for yourselves. I imagine you'll eventually become used to the intensity of the feelings you're having, probably to the point they'll almost seem second nature to you. Your bodies should physically adjust to it, a new normal so to speak." She gave a slight shrug. "I wish I could help you more until then, but I have a feeling you two are something special. Vance's magic manifesting at such a young age, and you having an instant comprehension of your powers is unusual. Together you make a very powerful couple. This is uncharted water for me I'm afraid."

    Vance squeezed my hand. "We'll be fine. I know it," he said, trying to reassure me.

    "I know we will. I just wish you could always be with me. The longing is driving me crazy!" I replied with an exasperated sigh at what we'd done to ourselves.

    He leaned over and kissed me softly, but it quickly developed into something much bigger, hands and arms tangling together as we pulled at one another, trying to get closer to each other. We completely forgot we had an audience and didn't stop until Grandma broke in.

    "Okay! Enough! You two are making me blush!" She laughed, turning away from us to avoid our public display of affection, and we broke apart smiling.

    "Sorry," Vance said apologetically, raking a hand through his already disheveled hair.

    Grandma waved her hand in the air. "Don't worry about it," she said with a smile, before growing pensive again. "On second thought, I do have one suggestion that may help you."

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