Resistance (Yoimiya X Male Reader) {Smut}

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Please note: This story includes sexual activities & violence. All characters are 18+ and consenting. There is no blood or major harm done to Yoimiya, nor any hardcore pain kinks or anything, the violence is not a sex thing, just part of the story.

Will contain spoilers! This will effect the Inazuma archon quest, as well as Yoimiya's story quests, and any unlockable voice lines via in-game friendship EXP.

The Decree - Naganohara Fireworks, Inazuma                                                                            (Yoimiya POV)

     A new day greets Inazuma City as the sun rises over the horizon. A peaceful morning had Yoimiya waking up with the sunshine in her eyes, telling her today was another day of playing with kids and making fireworks. 


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     Yoimiya's alarm clock went off twice before she finally got out of bed. She changed out of her tank top, and into her usual outfit, a more eye-catching one that both lets the kids find her easily, but also customers, who get interested in the looks of her clothes, and then she keeps their attention with fireworks (or at least, that's what she thinks). Once she finishes up with getting her normal outfit on, she heads out of her room to greet her Father, grabs some breakfast, and then heads to the window to open up the shop.

     About two hours into her mostly boring shift, she notices the amount of people heading up towards the center of town is a lot more than normal, in fact, some shops were even closing to allow their vendors to go, too. Curious, Yoimiya scavenged through the unopened pile of mail on the table, before finding one labeled "ANNOUCEMENT FROM THE SHOGUN" with today's date stapled on it. She rushed back over to her Dad, "Hey, Dad? Could you watch the shop for a while? I want to see what all the crowds are about," she said getting close to his ears so that he could hear, "Ooh, maybe they're going to hold a festival!" she thought. She didn't wait for an answer and just assumed he'd heard her, even with his bad hearing. With thoughts of the amount of fireworks she can make for a festival, she headed up the steps to the main area of Inazuma City, hoping to catch the big announcement.

     Once Yoimiya finally made it up the stairs, she was greeted by a crowd of people blocking every possible way to see the stage, set for the Shogun to announce whatever it is. Looking around, she spotted a couple of stacked boxes near a building. She made her way up the boxes and eventually onto the roof of the building, where she now had a clear view of the stage. Soon after, Inazuma's archon emerged from beyond the gates, slowly making her way up the street with an emotionless face. Crowds roared in excitement and anticipation while the guards held them back from entering the stage.

     All of Yoimiya's assumptions about a festival would leave her sorely disappointed. The announcement was not a celebration, and not going to include fireworks. The Shogun announced that all visions in Inazuma were to be stripped from their owners, taken by force if necessary. She then announced the closing of Inazuma's borders, including limited access to the waters, trade, and any outside visitors. The area went from loud with excitement to silence, and then to roars of anger. Those with visions in the crowds sneaked away slowly, hoping to avoid any confrontation with any of the Tri-Commissions' staff. Yoimiya stayed on the roof of that building, gathering her thoughts. Yoimiya used to only use her vision to light fireworks and boil some water, but she soon learned how important they were, and how special and sacred it was to have one. She thought about what she's learned about her vision in the past, and what it stands for to have one. She held her vision tightly in her hand and climbed off the roof, back to the shop.

(Yoimiya X Male Reader) {Smut}Where stories live. Discover now