13 Regret

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Part 13 Regret

Bhashyam saw Khushi going to the second floor all the way crying. He was dumbfounded. He didn't know whether he should ask her the reason or not. So, he called Dr. Avinash and conveyed the message.

Khushi saw NK and Lavanya working on their desks. She wiped her face. Lavanya and NK would panic if they saw her crying. She was scared to even talk to anyone about Arnav. What if anyone would tell him twisting her words? Most probably, NK would definitely ask Arnav about it. It would raise Arnav's anger more for sure. So, she wiped her face and inhaled a deep breath. She walked to them.

Though she didn't cry Lavanya found a difference.

"Are you all right, Khushi?" she asked.

Khushi nodded yes.

"Why does your face look dull?" She asked reading her face.

"Slight headache," She said pressing her head.

"Yeah, every programmer would face this problem... especially, Arnav's team members" NK countered and Khushi was silent. That had not gone unnoticed by Lavanya.

NK removed a balm from his table drawer and extended it to Khushi.

"See, I always keep this with me. Apply it. You will feel better"

"Thanks, Nanne"

Taking a balm slightly, Khushi applied it on her forehead. Lavanya looked at her suspiciously. She didn't believe the HEADACHE would be the true reason for her grief. Khushi leaned down on Lavanya's table and closed her eyes.

"Khushi, come to my desk and take a rest. I'm going to our section. My desk will be free for some time. Come on..." NK said standing up. Taking the file, he left the place.

"What happened Khushi?" Lavanya asked.

Khushi again cried.

"I know something would have happened"

"Arnav scolded me"

"Why? Did you submit the wrong report?"

"No... he scolded me for telling about our previous birth story to people but I didn't tell anyone after you warned me."

Lavanya became thoughtful.

"I'm sure, he doesn't like me. He avoids working with me. I don't know what to do" She cried.

"If you didn't talk about it to anyone, why did Arnav get angry?"

"I don't know"

"Are you sure you didn't talk to anyone about it?"

"I talked to Arnav about it when he said I could not do programs in R language."

"Were anybody there when you talked to him?"

"I was sitting next to him... I didn't see anyone there"


Khushi nodded no thoughtfully.

"But, he deliberately making Arnav fuss, taking our previous birth story. I don't know how he knew about it"

Lavanya could not connect the dots. because she was sure Khushi would not have told anyone about it.

"This is why I asked you to be careful Khushi. I told you there are a few black sheep in our office"

"Sonia came to our section and asked about it," Khushi said, wiping her cheek.



"How does she know about it?"

"I don't know. After that only, Arnav shouted at me"

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