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Author's Pov

Becky hopped into her car and told her driver to send her home as soon as she reached her place,her driver got out of the car and opened the back door for Rebecca. She stepped out of the car and without wasting any time she entered the place and greeted by his brother in the drawing room.

Hey Rebecca long time no see
~ said Richie by grinning ear to ear

Huh! So long that I even get to see your weird face for the second time today😒

Whatever😉 anyway what's with that grumpy face?
~said Richie

Nothing just got into a argument with Irin ~ said Rebecca before sitting on the couch next to his brother.

Why? What happened between you two as long as I know she's your bestest bestfriend😏
~ said Richie mischievously

You know what Richie it's none of your business
~said Rebecca

Okay okay you win. btw do you wanna eat something if yes then let's go out for dinner and before you ask I would like to inform you that mom and dad is not home they are out because of some work so they'll probably come after having their dinner.
~said Richie

You left me with no choices Richie
~said becky

  So I'll take it as a "yes" then
~said Richie smilingly

I'm going to get ready wait for me
~ said becky and rushed towards her room to change.

Richie and Rebecca got into their car and drove away for the restaurant
They both chit chatted all along the way and reached their destination safely.

Richie and Rebecca entered the restaurant making their way towards their booked seats.
Becky was observing her surroundings when a group of people caught her attention just opposite of their seat.
They were 5 and were giggling,laughing and joking with each other.
Becky was continously staring at them for a good few minutes when Richie waved his hand towards her face.

*^No response^*

*^No response^*


Huh🧐? What Wait why are you yelling at me?

Because you're staring at someone continously without even paying attention to the food🙄
~said Richie

Ahh😤 I.. I was just....sorry, forget about it let's dig in.

They ate in silence and Rebecca caught few glances towards all five of them especially to the one who was wearing black hoodie and a wide length Jeans.

They all five stood up and were about to leave when becky and the black hoodie girl made eye contact and that was just so adorable pair of eyes that becky had ever meet.

They two were intensely gazing at each other when the waiter came between them and then their eye contact got disconnected. The all five of them left the restaurant.

Rebecca and Richie also got out of the restaurant before paying the bill.

   _____________Time Skip_____________

After they got home both of them straight went to their rooms and fell asleep....😴

Next Morning
Rebecca woke up at earlier than usual because last night she slept earlier that's why. Becky saw the time and decided to sleep and again fell asleep. She woke up again after two hours and realized that even if it's weakened she still have to go to university just for the rehearsal she got up lazily and went straight to the bathroom and did her morning routine.

She dressed herself for university and made her way towards downstairs and however greeted by her family members.

Good morning Rebecca
~Becky's dad greeted her morning.

Morning dad, morning everyone😊
~said becky

Said Richie and their mom.

Have your breakfast becky it's not good to skip meals.
~said Becky's dad

I'll Dad plus I'm gonna go for the rehearsal so I've to make sure I'll not go there hungry.

Hmm I see my princess. then why are you standing there Come on sit with us and dig in.
~said Becky's dad

After having her breakfast she texted her driver to get ready with the car and with that she made her way towards the car and after half an hour she reached her university and entered her rehearsal area where there were other students as well. She approached her dance mentor and she told Rebecca that her dance partner is changed at the very last moment because his partner got injured in an accident but now she would be pair up with Jack at that moment Rebecca didn't said anything and accepted her new partner.....because as long as she knew she's not with that asshole it's okay.

(But who knows? What's coming next 👀 😚)

Alright everyone a new update for you guys...and I'm sorry I can't be regular because of school so I hope you all can understand but yeah,I promise you all that I'll always update after 1 or 2 days...but for now bye bye have a great day ahead😊

                               -  SarochaArmstrong_

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