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Andy's POV

I got to my dressing room and started putting on my makeup. At each concert it gets easier for me to do it. I put on my skinny jeans and white vest. Put on my body paint and went outside for a fag. The venue looked bigger from the outside but inside it was actually pretty small. I could tell that tonight was going to be interesting.

"Andy Biersack, right?" I turned around and he hit me in the face.

I blacked out and woke up in the tour bus lying in ashleys arms.

"W..w..what happened?"

"Someone hit you and you went unconcious"

"Oh my gosh" I was so shocked that someone would actually do this to me.

"You're okay now though" Ashley leant down and kissed me softly.

"What are you doing Ashley?"

"Kissing you" He leant down and kissed me again. ''Just let it happen babe'' I let him kiss me harder, he rubbed his hand up and down my thigh making my breathing heavier. No women had ever made me feel this way before. It was weird, this felt right, like me and Ashley and me were meant to be together. Maybe we were. He pulled off his and my top running his soft fingers down my chest. He sent tingles through my spine. 'No stop it Ashley, we cant do this' I regretted saying this the moment the words came out my mouth but it had to be said. He immediately got off me and   walked off the bus.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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