Angel Feathers and Demon Horns

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Faith is justice, and justice is faith.

That was the doctrine that had formed Jacobs through his life. What you needed in your life was not people, but God. Because they would always guide you truthfully and just, while human heart would easily be swayed by the alluring whispers of evil. 

So it was not weird that Jacobs grew up to become a holy man serving God, offering his body and soul to the Lord. Though the state of the world sadden him greatly, as the lack of faith in the Lord had made mankind weak.

Thus he became strong. Stronger than anyone and his body would be the blade that would cut down the evil in the world. As such did he become Father Jacobs, serving as an exorcist under the Vatican. There was just one goal in his mind, and it was to cleanse evil from this world as the Lord demanded.

Because of his faith and hunger to right the wrongs in this world, did an angel soon come to him in his dreams. A beautiful being of purest white and gold that spoke to him with a voice like a blessed choir. So divine that there was no words to truly describe the beauty he saw.

They where Uriel, one of the archangels that had been sent by the Lord to guide him in his crusade against evil. They gave him the eyes of gold to see evil and warned him for the evil that was growing in man. Like an horrendous cancer was it needed to be cut away, and he was the scalpel.

He had been blessed by the Lord, and he was in tears of joy. They had been granted a mission, and they would fulfill the Lords will.

With Uriel's guidance did Father Jacobs soon find the very first demon that was hiding among man. When revealed did it let out shriek and broke its human shell. A creature of pure evil, covered in horns, fur and vile teeth. Through his faith and blessings of the Lord, did Father Jacobs soon slay the demon with his holy sword and gun. 

The first demon of many had been slayed, and the world became slightly better. But there was many more to cleanse, and with a zealot fervor did he seek them endlessly. He was an one man army for the Lord, and demon fell like grass to the scythe in front of him.

Under a span of 20 years did he kill 99 demons, and he needed to just kill 1 more to fulfill his mission as given to him by the Lord. 

Where was this demon, if not in the center of decadence that is San Francisco, the home of sinners.  The vileness of these people disgusted Father Jacobs, how they had fallen and forgotten the Lord words and guidance. In his youth had he believed that these souls could be saved from Hell, but now he know the horrible truth; they couldn't be saved.

Their lack of faith was their own downfall and he would laugh as he entered Heavens while they burned. Because faith is justice, and justice is faith.

Basking in the glory that is the Lord, did Father Jacobs eventually find the demon. It was hiding in plain sight, in the shell of a poverty stricken man on the street. Begging for money, disgustingly abusing the kindness of man to feed their greed. 

Though he couldn't reveal their true nature out in the open as it would spread fear in people, not to mention some would probably fall on their knees and pray to the falls idol. So using the virtue of patience did he wait until the night came, when evil did bare it naked fangs. The demon, in the form of a beggar, would sneak into the dark alleyways like the rat it was.  

As if trying to mask their evil did they share some of the food they bought with an emaciated mutt. It disgusted Father Jacobs to no end, how this vile creature of evil tried to act as if they had any real human emotions. 

It was time to bring down the blade of justice upon the faithless. 


The alleyway was dark, but thanks to the blessings from Uriel could Father Jacobs see as if it was daylight. It had also granted him a body that was stronger than any ordinary human, so they would be able to be the blade that cut away the cancer that is demons. Though sadly it couldn't do anything to protect him from the stench of trash and fecal matter, that had been amplified duo the heatwaves in recent weeks. 

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