Chapter 9-

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I wake up with a shudder, Jared hovering with a worried expression over me as I come back to my senses. I must have passed out after seeing that photography, although I don't remembering hitting the floor- I barely even believe the whole incident is even more than a crazy hallucination or dream.

Dead people don't just come back to life. I know their bodies were never found but... believing they were gone, it gave me strength to become the person I am today, knowing that I alone could find those responsible and serve due justice. That's the only reason I've lasted this long, the only reason I've managed to live with the career I've grown to accept. I don't even remember much about them, save what I've been told. It just seems too surreal, too much like a fantasy story, to actually be happening. And on top of all that- what do my "un-dead" parents have to do with my target?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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