The Change of Feelings

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It was a new day at the shelter once again. That night, after their shift at the shelter, Minho and Chan found themselves once more in the parking lot beneath the moonlight. The tension between them continued to grow, but neither of them dared to address the issue.

"Can we talk?" Chan asked, his voice slightly nervous.

Minho sighed and looked at Chan, his eyes shining with a mixture of attraction and internal conflict. "Yes, of course."

Both of them knew they were in uncharted territory, that there was something more between them than the rivalry they had maintained. The spark of respect and attraction they had felt in the cat room had ignited a new dynamic in their relationship. But Minho didn't want to acknowledge it.

"What happened in the cat room..." Chan began, but Minho interrupted him.

"I know, Chan. It was unusual, but... we can't let that change our dynamic at the shelter. We're volunteers here, and the most important thing is taking care of the animals."

Chan nodded, though a part of him longed to explore what was happening between them. "You're right, Minho. The animals are our priority."

With a nod of agreement, they both headed to their cars and parted ways that night. Although they had avoided the conversation about their feelings, the tension in the air was palpable.

The following days were a whirlwind of emotions for Minho and Chan. They continued to work together at the shelter, but now their relationship was charged with a new level of attraction and desire. They found themselves in compromising situations regularly, like when they accidentally touched hands while cleaning a cage or when they got stuck in a narrow hallway filled with supplies.

Each of these moments was filled with sexual tension and palpable chemistry, but both kept fighting their feelings. They wondered if what they were experiencing was real or just an illusion created by constant closeness.

Amidst their confusion, another shelter volunteer, Jeongin, crossed their path. Jeongin had an outgoing and playful personality and quickly became friends with Minho and Chan.

One afternoon, while sharing stories and laughter in the shelter's break room, Jeongin noticed the tension between them.

"Are you guys okay?" he asked, with a knowing look in his eyes.

Minho and Chan exchanged nervous glances before nodding. "Yeah, we're fine."

Jeongin grinned mischievously. "Seems like there's a storm of emotions at the shelter lately. Maybe you should talk about it instead of avoiding each other."

Minho and Chan looked at each other again, this time with a spark of recognition in their eyes. Perhaps it was time to confront what was happening between them, but they were still unsure of how to do it.

Jeongin's words lingered in Minho and Chan's minds as they continued working at the shelter. The tension between them remained, but now there was a sense of urgency to address what was happening.

One evening, after cleaning the cat cages, Minho and Chan found themselves alone in the shelter's courtyard. The sun was setting, and the atmosphere was charged with palpable energy.

Chan broke the silence. "Minho, we need to talk about what's going on between us."

Minho nodded, finally willing to face the truth. "You're right."

They stared at each other, their hearts beating strongly. The sexual tension between them was almost overwhelming, but there was also a deep respect and fondness they had developed over their time together at the shelter.

Chan took a step closer to Minho, his gaze intense. "Since this started, I've been thinking a lot about you, Minho. I can't help but be attracted to you, and I know you feel something too."

Minho nodded, his eyes revealing a vulnerability he rarely showed. "Yes, I'm attracted to you too. But I'm afraid this will complicate things at the shelter."

Chan smiled softly, stroking Minho's arm. "I understand your concerns, but I think we can handle it. Maybe it can even be something beautiful."

Before they could say anything more, a loud bark interrupted them. They turned to see a dog named Rocky running towards them, ready to play.

They laughed as Rocky circled around them, realizing that even amidst the confusion, they were still committed to their work at the shelter.

That night, after their shift, Minho and Chan walked together to their cars, this time without avoiding the tension between them. They had decided to give what was growing between them a chance and see where it would lead.

On the way, they ran into Jeongin again.

"Hey, how was your day?" Jeongin asked.

Minho and Chan looked at each other and smiled, knowing that their relationship was entering a new phase, full of possibilities and unexplored emotions.


One afternoon, as they walked through a nearby park after a meal, Chan stumbled over a root protruding from the ground. He was about to fall, but before he could hit the ground, Minho reacted quickly and grabbed him by the arm, preventing him from falling.

Both found themselves in an awkward situation, with their faces inches apart. Minho's gaze was locked onto Chan's eyes, and for a moment, the world seemed to stop once again. The sexual tension they had been avoiding exploded in that moment, and both could feel the electricity in the air.

Chan swallowed hard, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. Minho, on the other hand, was equally bewildered by Chan's proximity and the intensity of what they were experiencing.

After a moment that felt like an eternity, Minho gently released Chan's arm, taking a slight step back. Both tried to regain their composure, but their cheeks were tinged with a subtle blush.

"Thank you for catching me," Chan murmured, breaking the awkward silence.

Minho nodded, unable to formulate words at that moment. They knew that the tension between them was unmistakable, but they still hadn't addressed the situation.

The afternoon continued, but the atmosphere had changed. Now, every casual touch or intense gaze between them seemed to charge the air with palpable electricity. As they shared laughter and conversations, their hearts continued to race uncontrollably.

After a while, while they were sitting on a bench watching people pass by, Chan finally decided to address the issue he had been avoiding.

"Minho, we have to talk about this."

Minho sighed, knowing they couldn't keep ignoring what was happening between them. "You're right, Chan. This can't go on like this."

They looked into each other's eyes, acknowledging mutual attraction and the tension they had been experiencing since the incident with Socks. However, neither of them knew how to handle it or what it meant for their relationship.

Before they could delve deeper into the conversation, their phones simultaneously received a text message notification. It was from Jisung, Changbin, and Seungmin, Minho's friends they had met earlier.

"How are things between you two?" was the intriguing message from Jisung.

Chan and Minho exchanged surprised glances and then began to write responses, feeling a bit embarrassed by their friends intrusion. They weren't sure what to say, but they knew they had to confront their feelings sooner or later. But for now, it would be later rather than sooner.

As the messages continued to arrive, Minho and Chan found themselves in the midst of an awkward and revealing situation. Their friends were closely watching, and the tension they had been avoiding was finally forcing them to confront their emotions and desires head-on.

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