6- Starting Years : The Start Of A Political Swordsman

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A sword of legend starts from a forge and a master

Tamiel relaxed on her chair, her mind in the clouds as to how she'll convince her mother.

"Gahhhh..." Letting out a long and tired breath, finally noticing her attendant looming over her.

"My Lady" Bree said politely.

"Hm?" Turning her head, she faked her confusion as to why Bree looked angry.

"My Lady, why did I found your room in such a disarray this morning?"

"Ahem... well ..."

"She's cornered me" Tamiel thought.

Tamiel had been avoiding Bree and that question since morning. Sudden request, sudden urges, and studying sprees just so she could escape Bree.

"My Lady?" Bree tilted her head cutely.

"... I will suffer through a punishment of your choosing" Tamiel had already accepted her fate.

"To that extent, My Lady?" Bree was surprised as to her Lady's adamancy on her secret.

Seeing her lady nod she was filled with glee "Then let's increase your skill on embroidery!" Clapping her hands in excitement she carried the sewing kit to her lady. Her yellow aura clearly reflecting her genuine joy.

It was then promised that Tamiel was to take at least two hours of embroidery, a rule Bree had implored on Tamiel heavily even in her adult years.

The next day Tamiel had decided to learn politics after she had finished her basic noble lessons for today.

"Well then, this is all for now, Lady Tamiel" Her teacher as usual said, signaling that the lesson was done for today.

"Gai, if one would wish to learn politics, what book would you recommend?" Tamiel asked as her teacher was in mid packing the books from her lesson.

"Politics, Lady Tamiel?" He said thought fully "Hmm, well I don't recommend a book, but several. I think that you should learn Aerilan's history first, its wars and peace treaties that had happened along it's course. Also I recommend the The Speech Of Court; the official law book of Aerilan. Also rules of etiquette have a big deal in politics as socializing and connections will often determined your loss and wins, I recommend the A Silver tongue by Rieel Fal Haer. And the book Commons and Nobles by Gila Mierry, it is about..."

Tamiel had wrote furiously as her teacher had noted endlessly about books and the order said books should be read and it's purpose.

"... would that be all?" Tamiel said almost hesitant.

"After you've have studied that then you'll study the modern versions of the books I had just mentioned, and ones that explained them being practice in detail" His voice felt so merciless at that time to Tamiel.

"Those books were just the threshold?!" Tamiel felt a bit overwhelmed, realizing now that her future would be tough and arduous.

"...maybe the kingdom falling would be too much for me..."

"No!" Shaking that thought from her head.

Determined to tackle the task in front of her, Tamil finally asked "Would you add politics to our usual lessons?"

"I have no qualms advancing your education, Lady Tamiel. But had you inquired Lady Mildred?"

"I'll inquire about that this tea, but please make a list for me to start reading"

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