Chapter 3 ~ incognito ~

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Liam spent all night reading through his contract but he wasn't a lawyer, he didn't really know what to look for but he just felt that he had to do something. He'd tried to call Champ again but to no avail, the guy must be really pissed off with him but he couldn't blame him.

In Champ's mind he had left without even saying goodbye, Liam knew that now. He was probably wondering why someone who left like that would be calling? Liam had to get this issue sorted out first then he could try to make things right with Champ.

The following day seemed to drag, Liam had a modelling gig and it was boring, it didn't help having to see his agents face and pretend everything was ok. He decided to send Champ a text message but it remained unread.

He wondered if Phikhuam had been right when he had told him he was falling in love but regardless, he had to get out of this contract because he was sick and tired of being manipulated and he couldn't help but wonder if his agent had got rid of other dates he'd had in the past one way or another.

His agent dropped him off at his apartment at about 6.30pm and he took a shower then changed into pants and an old shirt then he grabbed a copy of his contract including the letter that he'd left for Champ then he sat cooling his heels until 7.45 when he went down to the parking garage to get his motorbike.

He was going to call an uber but this was better, there was less chance of being recognised. He followed the instructions that Lon had texted him and soon he was riding down a long narrow lane, it was kind of eerie.

Eventually he came to a large clearing and there was a very rustic looking wooden building with a large tree beside it. There were tables outside and string lights lit up the area making an otherwise gloomy place look inviting.

No one else seemed to be here yet so he parked up his bike and climbed off it before walking towards a table and pulling up a seat, within minutes a lady came out and smiled at him,

"hello dear, what can I get you tonight?" she asked Liam.

"umm I'm actually meeting some friends, can I order when they get here?" Liam asked.

"yes, of course dear" the lady replied before disappearing inside only to reappear with a glass of pink milk.

"on the house dear" she said ruffling Liam's hair before disappearing again.

"what a strange lady" Liam thought but he leaned back in his chair and sipped the pink milk, it was sweet and refreshing, he didn't normally consume sweet things because of his fitness regime not but he didn't want to offend the owner.

Ten minutes later, he saw headlights shining, a car carefully navigating the narrow lane. The car crunched across the gravel and came to a halt beside his bike then Liam watched as Kiri Junphanatat and Phikhuam's friend Lon climbed out and made their way over to him.

"Liam, how are you?" Kiri said as he said stretched out his hand.

"ok I guess, how are you guys and Kan and Andy?" Liam asked taking his hand to shake.

"we're all good, the boys are a bit calmer now Champ and Ian have gone back home" Kiri said and noticed how Liam's expression changed at the mention of Champ.

The old lady came back out and when she saw Kiri and Lon she made a fuss of them both,

"mae, it's so good to see you again" Kiri said as he hugged her and Lon hugged her too before giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"it's so good to see you boy's, now where is that pretty husband of your's Kiri and Andy, did they not come too?" she said looking around.

"no, not tonight mae, we're here on business" Kiri said.

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