Chapter 3: "It's HER fault"

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"Salt i-... i need to talk to you."

Salt was completely awake, finally woken up from her beauty sleep. She had been looking over at Peppers bed with curiosity, wondering why suddenly her best friend wasn't there since she knew her and Peppers little morning routine. As soon as he heard Peppers voice from across the room Salt looked over at her and suddenly her face quickly dropped in utter horror as if a monster had just appeared to maul her alive, except the monster happened to be her sleep deprived best friend who was not happy whatsoever. Pepper looked anxious and cold, two dark circles had formed under her eyes from the lack of sleep she had from last night, not like before when she seemed more confident, since she had entered the room she immediately gone back to her anxious state, still being nervous to talk to her own best friend, the thought made her start shaking. As Salts face dropped a loud screech suddenly bursted out from Salts vocal chords as her eyes glued onto Pepper, "OH. EM. GEE. DID A GARGOYLE JUST SWOOP INTO MY ROOM?? PEPPER! YOU LOOK ABSOLUTELY AWFUL!! EW! You could have, like, at LEAST put makeup on before exiting our room, you cannot be out looking like THAT!" Salt gagged loudly at the abomination that was layed upon her presence, she got up from her bed and started to approach Pepper to get a better look of her droopy face. Her eyes widened as she backed up, Salt growing closer to her as her face scrunched up the closer she got to her. Pepper started to tremble in slight shock of Salts over-the-top reaction, trying to brush it off she attempted to make a move.

"Can it like- wait? I need to tA-", a sudden firm grasp is placed upon her arms, interrupting Pepper when she was aggressively dragged over to their makeup table and sat her down on a purple fluffy stool that Pepper would sit on to do her makeup. It was a mess, different shades of lipstick and eyeshadow were scattered everywhere, half the makeup brushes seemed lost, they were both DEFINETLY disorganised with their cosmetics, but in the moment Salt couldn't care less about the state of the table, all she cared about was trying to get rid of any trace of of imperfection on Peppers tired face, she gagged a few times while struggling to even look at her. Pepper uncomfortably as Salt started to dig around the makeup table for anything that could help in the moment. "This is why we like, stick to a routine! You look like you've just lost a fight with like, a snake." Frustrated, she growled at her, "And this table! Ugh! Don't you ever keep anything organised? It's an utter mess! and blah blah blah blah blah-" Salt continued to ramble at Pepper as she looked around. Pepper however had started to phase out in the moment, she was too tired and scared to think straight at all, her mind was anywhere but the room she was sitting in.

Pepper then turned her head to her reflection displayed in the mirror she had been sat Infront of by Salt and looked away nervously, she couldn't bear to wait another second having her mouth shut, "A-about that i actually needed to- like, talk to y-", and once again, Pepper was interrupted by her best friends desperate attempt at trying to make her look better, applying a powdery foundation onto Peppers face, rapidly tapping the makeup sponge in desperation as Pepper coughed out the powder from her mouth. "Oh Pepper you're so lucky to have someone like me who can help with things like this." Salt proceeded to blabber on and on about a routine they subconsciously went by every morning, neglecting the question of if Pepper was even interested in the first place. It ticked her off massively over the bit of time Salt had talked at and over her, until Pepper did something she would have never expected to do around Salt. Impulsively, she swung her entire body around to face Salts direction, who had been applying a purple eyeshadow onto her eyes at the moment and yanked the brush out her hand, pelting it at full force towards the wall next to them. Salt jumped back Peppers sudden reaction, but quickly snapped into an irritated expression as she stared over at her now ruined work, Peppers eyeshadow had been smeared across her eyelid. "Pepper! What the hell girl i was helping out! Ugh! Now i have to like- re-apply EVERYTHING!!" Salt complained, gripping the bridge between her eyes with her thumb and index finger. Upon hearing this Peppers impulse caused her to stand up without even thinking "SHUT UP FOR 5 SECONDS I NEED TO BREATHE!" she yelped, panic stricken in her movements and expression. "Excuse me?! You did not like- just tell me to shut up did you??" Salt countered, more irritated than before, continuing to ignore any feelings Pepper had in the moment, Pepper didn't answer, only looking down at the ground beneath her best friends feet as she attempted to take in a few breaths trying to get over any sort of panic and fear she had in the moment. Salt stared in disbelief at such disrespect as she counter questioned once again "Well? Did you not? Honestly Pepper i expected you to treat me like- WAY more nicely after what OJ just did to me, we're BCFF's i expected a little more SUPPORT from you. Gosh.." She crossed her arms, awaiting an answer from her said "BCFF". in the moment, irritated.

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