Chapter five : Drive To Survive

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*A/n* I just want to thank you guys for over 150 reads! I've never written a book before so the support means a lot. Chapters will be released frequently so thank you everyone

Eli's pov

Today was unusual, I did everything like normal. Heck I even got my coffee before I left for school. 

What was unusual was my Papa not being home when I woke up, he's always there so why not today? Ma said he went to see uncle Tony at the coffee shop but Tony wasn't working today, it was my aunt Sofìa. The man is horrifically awful at keeping secrets but ma? Oh she was good. 

After my unusual morning myself, Ellie, Sarah, Preston and Brody were walking into shop class to meet Haley and Calvin when we see Calvin standing next to an awesome motorcycle but obviously mines better, the one Calvin's standing next to is thin and more like a dirt bike however mine is more bulky and a glossy black.

After my unusual morning myself, Ellie, Sarah, Preston and Brody were walking into shop class to meet Haley and Calvin when we see Calvin standing next to an awesome motorcycle but obviously mines better, the one Calvin's standing next to is thin ...

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"Whoa! Did you build that?" Preston asks in amazement as we look at the dirt bike Calvin built.

"Uh, yeah, well, sort of. I took three Junker motorcycles and salvaged enough to make one. Not too bad, eh" Calvin says with a smirk on the last part.

"I've always wanted to learn how to drive a motorcycle" Brody says. 

"I could teach you?" I offer the brown haired boy. 

"It looks so fast. I love it, Calvin can I please ride it after you, pretty please. Eli never let's me drive his" Sarah asks.

"That's because she's precious to me. She's a beauty. Plus paint like that ain't cheap, it cost my dad 650 just to paint it, an additional 250 for the gloss after I saved Brody's life." I tell my cousin. Why does it cost so much to repair cars and motorcycles? Either that or my dad got scammed. 

"Well, uh. Even better, you can test drive it." Calvin tells the dirty blonde.

"What? No, no way. You should definitely drive it first. You see how fast you can go so I can beat you record" She says with a slight chuckle.

"No really, it's fine, um, seriously, it's cool. It's cool. Just...Can either you or Eli take it out for a test drive?" Calvin asks with a slight panic.

"I'm not touching another motorcycle, no way." I deny.

"Cal, what's the matter?" Brody asks.

 "It's okay, just tell them" Haley says reassuring him.

"They're going to find out one way or another, stop stressing." Ellie adds.

"well, um, I don't know how to drive. Cars or motorcycles." Calvin states leaving us all confused. 

"Hold on. what? You drive your truck all the time, right?" Preston asks.

"Actually I'm his personal chauffer. You just never noticed" Haley admits.

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