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sunghoon's POV

I shut the door applying a little pressure seeing as the wind increased and droplets of rain already descending.

Poor new neighbors.

I ran my hand through my hair before turning only for my blood to run cold in my veins. I fisted my palm and stared, gritting my teeth so hard that it hurt.

Sat on the long sofa were my mum and stepdad. He had his arm draped around her shoulder, her head relaxing on his as they watched the television.They looked like a happy couple, just enjoy a movie on a bad weather but I knew better. I knew better.

"Sunghoon is that you?" mum asked about to crane her neck to look up at me but the not so subtle push around her shoulder kept her in pace.

"Sunghoon boy." my step farther called turning to me with a smirk. "How're you doing?"

That smirk made me halt in my steps. I know that smirk, that look and even if I didn't, the scar running down his left eye was enough to make anybody halt in their step. it was terrifying. he was terrifying.

"Cat's got your tongue?" He asked raising a warning brow.

"I am fine." I gritted out. My palm hurting from the way my nail dug into them. I didn't even have fingernails.

"Good, fine is good." He says turning back to the television "your mom and I are watching some telenovela, care to join?"

He smiled at my mom, pressing a kiss on her head, mum shuddered but smiled either way. Our eyes met and she smiled at me. Her smile saying it's okay honey. it's okay.

It's not okay her eyes countered, but this is for better for now.

"No I've got assignment." I answered moving to the stairs.

"Dinner's in the oven." mom announced.

"Already ate." I lied. I've not taken anything except a bite of a spoilt apple.

"Sunghoon boy, how's your eye bruise?" My step father asked, making me stop on the second stair.

"ji-ho--" my mom started.

"I'm just asking ye-jun." he says kissing her some more.

"Healing." I answered before running back up as fast as my legs could carry me into my room.

I threw my bag to the floor adding to the mess there and slammed my hand on the wall, biting my lip to stopping me from shouting. I hate him. I hate him so much. its because of him I am like this, broken.

And its because of him I won't stop fighting; won't stop looking for trouble. won't try to stop being terrifying. I'm training my self up. I'll get better at scaring people, better at fighting, better. and someday sooner than anyone aspects, I'm gonna fight him. I'm gonna scare him right back to jail. I'm gonna beat him so bloody, it would be gods grace if he survives.

That day is coming and pretty fast.


The next morning was the same. The kettle woke me up. I got off my bed and now the aches on my body were a hundred times more. My tummy aching all the more, I got up, stumbled and fell back to the bed.

My heavy eyes landed on my fist that still had dried blood on them. Then I burst out laughing. There was nothing humorous about my bloody fist or my grumbling stomach but still I laughed.

"This is not the plan sunghoon. You're to kill him, not your self." I said to my reflection wiping a stray tear off my cheek.

I dragged myself down the stairs, no strength to hurry down. Mom was by the stove again and after giving me my mug of coffee, she slides a plate of waffles too.

"Please, eat."

I nodded, no strength to argue or reject. my body needed food to survive today. I didn't spend much time at hope, as soon as I was done with breakfast, I left.

"Hi son!" the elderly man at the neighbors lawn greeted. I saw him and I pulled my hoodie down choosing to ignore him but he ruined that.

I looked up at him with a frown but that didn't seem to faze him. He still had this annoying good morning smile on.

"Hey." I greeted back trying to be politely rude.

he smiled brighter, Agh. "how are you? I'm Mr.lee, the new neigbor. we moved in yesterday, barely." He said with a light chukle "that was some pretty cool storm yesterday."

I faked a smile. Really forced my eye hurt. It's not that I hated him. He seems okay but I am having a horrible day, as usual I hate everyone in the mornings. "Welcome Mr.lee and yeah, what a welcoming storm yesterday."

He laughed heartily, almost managing to break a smile out of me, almost. "Well then hurry on son, I don't want to make you tardy."

I nodded thanks and walked away, heading to school. There were poodles of water and the road was highly slippery, any car speeding would be heading for its doom.

The parking lot was buzzing with people, many more students than usual, and they all seem gather around something, or someone. did an animal die there last night? I remember when they found a dead deer there, apparently it escaped the predator that injured it, only to come and die at our honorable school. the sight was horrifying. I puked for 3 days straight.

I walked right pass all of them. I wasn't curious and I definitely didn't need to puke my breakfast. It could have a celebrity and not a deer. Crowds are not really my thing.

I moved to my locker as usual and just a second later wonyoung and her friend came running to her locker.

"Oh god, he's so beautiful." her friend gushed

"beautiful? that's an understatement yana, an understatement" Wonyoung gushed, opening up her locker.

"I took a picture. Where has someone like this has been hiding?" Yana sighed out staring at her phone.

"Some Appalachian mountains. Doesn't matter I call dibs."

"Not fair, you can't just call dibs on the new guy, he's-"

The loud slamming my locker cut her short as they both gasped turning to me. I glared at them both especially at yana.

"Erm, hi sunghoon" Wonyoung greeted wearily.

I turned, walking away.

"What's his problem?" Yana asked.

"Probably having a bad day." wonyoung supplied.

I didn't hear the rest of what they were saying as I made a corner heading for my physics class. Gossip, that's more definitely yana, knows how to do. I can't listen to them anymore or else I'll lose my mind, literally.

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Have a great day 🦋💗

- Jay's side crush -

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