Childhood Friend Yandere X Male Reader part 3

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guide to how i write

Y/N:= speaking

Y/N- = thinking

Y/N = Texting

" " =actions

--------- = time skip
"In the early morning students, teacher and police officers are all gathered out-front of the school, the officers are trying to examine the site where April had killed her self will the teachers are stopping the students from entering the gates" 

Y/N: what's going on?

Ryan: no idea it was like this when i got here

Max: heard a girl jumped off the roof 

Y/N: really?

Sam: that's so sad

"Alice skips up to Y/N in a very cheery mood"

Alice: why's everyone so down 

Y/N: a girl killed herself 

Alice: o-oh 

Gabi: what would bring someone to do such a thing?

Teacher: ARGHMM

"A teacher stands in front the crowed of students and clears his throat  to get their attention"

Teacher: everyone your attention please today a great tragedy has struck are school  so out of respect and for your well being school will be closed for the rest of the week

"The students are memaring about what happed some are cheering about the time off and one students decides to yell out a stupid questions"

Student: how killed them self

Teacher: hah a letter will be send to your parent's explaining everything, so please go be with your loved ones 

"The students start to leave and before Y/N and his friends can leave Ruby walks up to him and slaps with right across the face, everyone is shook Alices eyes go wide and all she she is red but before she can do anything Ruby starts to tear up as she yells at Y/N"


"The group try to calm a angary Ruby but to no prevail"

Sam: woah chill out 

Ryan: yeah 

Ruby: nononononono April my friend my best friend is dead all because of YOU! all she wanted was your love and because your cowered and couldn't've just show up 

"At this point Ruby is crying un able to control her emotions  Y/N is taken aback by her words and ty to show her some sort of comfort"

Y/N: am sorry clearly April was someone very important to you and your suffering with what happened but i have nothing to do with it i don't even know April

Ruby: NO! she waited on that roof for you and when you didn't show your broke her heart and she toke her life a-and ITS ALL MY FAULT!!!!!

"Ruby hears what she just said and runs off pushing past Y/N leavening him confused and worried'

Y/N: poor girl 

Gabi: this must be so hard for her 

Max: she said that you were meant to meet April on the roof know anything about that?

Y/N: no its the first and even hearing about her 

Ryan: i wouldn't worry to much about it that girl doesn't seem to be in the state of mind 

Female Yandere X Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now