𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝: 𝙲𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚌 𝙳𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚢

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Cedric Diggory had always been what most people would consider popular, at least according to his friends. He was the Quidditch captain, had a charming smile, and a knack for making people feel at ease around him. But truth be told, he never really cared about his popularity, nor did he think about it much. That was until now.

For a long time, Cedric had been nursing a secret crush, much like many others at Hogwarts, on the legendary "Girl Who Lived." It wasn't just because she was beautiful with her long, wavy raven hair, vivid mismatched eyes, and adorable freckles. Nor was it solely because she was famous for surviving the darkest wizard of their time. Over the couple of years since she began her journey at Hogwarts, he couldn't help but observe her—not in a creepy way, of course. But he noticed a few things.

First, she was extraordinarily talented at Quidditch, an excellent Seeker. She always looked so happy and free when she was in the air on her broom, chasing after the golden snitch. Second, she was a kind-hearted person who didn't care about house prejudices, unlike what others tended to think about her. Cedric had witnessed her standing up for a first-year Slytherin who was being bullied by some older Gryffindors. She didn't even hesitate to step in and help the young Slytherin, her fierce determination to do what was right shining through. Third, her smile was something truly magical. When she smiled, it lit up the room, and Cedric considered himself lucky to have witnessed it whenever she did. It wasn't a common occurrence, but when it happened, it was as if the sun had come out on a cloudy day. Lastly, despite how everyone treated her, despite how quick they were to turn on her, she never remained bitter. She was always quick to forgive, to see the good in people. Cedric often found himself pondering whether he would be able to do the same if he were in her position. Her grace and resilience were nothing short of inspiring.

But here was the problem—his popularity. Every time Cedric worked up the nerve to approach her, someone would inevitably get in the way. He hadn't realized just how many girls came up to him and tried to flirt until now. It was almost as if they knew about his feelings for her and were determined to stop it at all costs. It was infuriating. Yet, Cedric wasn't rude enough to ignore them. He would engage in polite conversation, his eyes constantly drifting toward the girl who held his heart. And every time, he would watch his opportunity to speak to her slip away. It was a frustrating loop, a dance of politeness that left him feeling trapped.

As he watched her from across the Great Hall, laughter and cheer surrounding her, Cedric couldn't help but wonder if he would ever get the chance to talk to her. He had to find a way to break free from the invisible chains that held him back and finally tell her how he felt. But for now, he remained a silent admirer from afar, hoping for that one moment when fate would finally smile upon him.

The summer after Cedric's eventful year at Hogwarts had arrived, and this one held a promise of something truly extraordinary. His father had surprised him with tickets to the Quidditch World Cup, a gift that left Cedric nearly speechless with excitement. They were to meet with the Weasley family so that they could all take the portkey together to the event, a prospect that filled him with anticipation.

As Cedric and his father made their way to the meeting point, he couldn't help but feel a nervous flutter in his chest. He had no idea that Adhara Potter would be joining them, and the mere thought of her presence sent a blush creeping up his face. She was the girl he had admired from afar, the one who had captured his heart, and now she was walking towards him alongside the Weasley family. His heart raced as he watched her approach, her long, wavy raven hair catching the sunlight, her mismatched eyes sparkling with warmth and curiosity. She wore a simple yet captivating smile as she shyly waved in his direction, and for a moment, it felt as though the world had stopped.

Cedric's father exchanged greetings with Mr. Weasley, and Cedric tried to keep his composure. He couldn't believe his luck. Adhara Potter was standing right there in front of him, and she was about to share this incredible adventure to the Quidditch World Cup. With a nervous but genuine smile, Cedric managed to return her wave, his heart beating a little faster. Fate had indeed intervened that day, bringing them together in a way he could never have anticipated. The Quidditch World Cup was bound to be an unforgettable experience, and for Cedric, it was also the beginning of a new chapter in his life—one filled with hope and the possibility of getting to know the girl of his dreams.

As they arrived at the Quidditch World Cup, excitement hung in the air like magic itself. Cedric couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment when they realized they had to split up from Adhara Potter and the Weasleys, as their tents were in different sections of the camping grounds. He watched her, along with the group of redheads, walk away, his heart sinking with a longing expression.

He berated himself inwardly for not seizing the moment earlier when they were all together. He had wanted to say something, to break the ice, but he had choked, the words stuck in his throat like a stubborn potion ingredient. With a heavy sigh, Cedric turned to follow his father, walking toward their designated tent. Inside, he couldn't help but replay the missed opportunity in his mind. He knew he had to gather the courage to speak to her the next time they crossed paths. No more hesitation, no more missed chances. He was determined to make a move.

As he lay in his tent, surrounded by the buzz of fellow Quidditch enthusiasts, Cedric silently began to amp himself up. He convinced himself that the next time he saw her, he would ask her out without hesitation. Just straight out with it. Maybe, if luck was on his side, they'd have a chance to stop by one of the pop-up shops to get some merchandise or souvenirs for the match. He imagined the two of them laughing, sharing inside jokes, and perhaps even holding hands as they explored the magical stalls together.

With newfound determination, Cedric rose from his tent and made his way to the bustling shops surrounding the Quidditch World Cup venue. He did need a pair of omnioculars anyway, so he convinced himself that if fate had anything to do with it, he might just run into Adhara there. He lingered amidst the stalls, browsing the Quidditch merchandise for what seemed like an eternity. Cedric tried to stay composed, determined not to let nervousness get the best of him. His heart raced as he scanned the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of her distinctive raven hair and enchanting smile.

Then, like a mirage materializing in the desert, there she was. Adhara, along with Muffy and Hermione, was making her way through the crowd, trailed by the rest of the Weasley children. Cedric felt a rush of excitement mixed with apprehension, but he couldn't afford to let this opportunity slip away.

Adhara was the first to notice him, and she rewarded him with that breathtaking smile. Cedric, attempting to play it cool, leaned casually against a nearby display. However, his nerves got the best of him, and in an awkward twist of fate, he ended up knocking over a pile of scarves. Adhara giggled at his clumsy mishap and quickly moved to help him pick up the scattered scarves. It was in that moment, with her close by and her laughter filling the air, that Cedric couldn't contain his feelings any longer.

He blurted out, "Go on a date with me." The words tumbled out of his mouth without warning, leaving him wide-eyed and shocked by his own boldness. He stumbled over his words, attempting to backtrack and clarify, "I-I mean that—"

Before he could finish his stammered explanation, Adhara's initial shock gave way to a small laugh. Her smile remained warm as she whispered, "I would love to, Cedric."

Cedric's heart soared, and he couldn't believe his luck. Fate had finally smiled upon him, and the world around him seemed to brighten as he realized that he had just taken the first step toward something incredible with the girl who had captured his heart.

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