the bathroom incident

75 3 5

1/01 15/06/2015


Dan where the hell are you?

Dan, you were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago.

We're going to fail this project if you don't hurry up!

Ignoring the endless string of texts being sent from his friend PJ, Dan stumbled to the end of the bus as it began to move, and eventually sat down right at the back. He had a habit of sleeping at about five in the morning, and then waking up at some time around one leaving him with only mere minutes to get ready and to Uni. That was a bad habit that he needed to shake.

PJ was even stricter than his professors with time, he told Dan to be at his dorm at precisely 12:34. It was now 12:53 and PJ was having a complete and utter meltdown, as far as Dan could tell through his incessant texts and calls. Dan switched his phone to silent, and rested his head against the window, even though it felt like his brain was in a cocktail mixer in the hand of an inexperienced mixologist, he was way too tired to care.

The driver gave him a dirty look when he stepped off the bus, due to his Bilbo Baggins-esque hair and exhausted appearance, probably. Or maybe his My Chemical Romance shirt and ripped black jeans, either or.

What room is PJ's again? He desperately thought as he wandered across the second floor. Alas, he didn't need to worry. As PJ had his head out of his door; it was easy enough for Dan to recognize the mess of his friend's hair.

"Daniel James Howell, where have you been?" He almost scalded, Dan glared in response. "Ah, you've only just woken up, I presume?" PJ chuckled, and stepped aside to let his friend through.

Dan slipped past him and into the room, PJ called that he was going to make them tea and the door slammed shut.

Even though he had been here multiple times, Dan still felt like a one-time guest in PJ's room, and didn't want to touch anything or sit anywhere. And he always tried to make himself look as presentable as possible, so he turned to the mirror to his left and began to fix his curling fringe. After he was sure his hair looked at least acceptable enough to go outside, he began to walk toward the bathroom. Just as he reached to turn the doorknob, the door swung open and a raven-haired guy stepped out, walking head-first into Dan.

"Shit! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" The guy said; Dan looked at the guy's face quickly, remarkable, was the first word that came to his head.

"I-I'm f-fine." Dan stuttered, "A-are y-you o-okay? I-I mean w-we've n-never m-met and I-I'm i-in y-your d-dorm a-and..."

The guy chuckled and waved his apology off like crumbs on his shirt. "No, really, it was my fault. Who are you, anyway?" The so far nameless guy carried on normal conversation as if he weren't five centimetres away from Dan's face.

"I-I'm D-Dan." He introduced.

Dan then went back to admiring the guy. He was a little bit taller than Dan himself, so that when he looked up he could see into his eyes perfectly, blue and green, tints of yellow. He was completely infatuated and still didn't know his name.

They quickly jumped apart when the door slammed.

"I see you've met Phil," PJ remarked, entering the room with two mugs of tea. "Phil, this is Dan, my best friend since year nine. He's helping me on my project." He nodded toward Dan, "Dan, this is Phil, he just moved into this dorm, his other roommate kicked him out."

"I know his name; we were just having a pleasant conversation. Weren't we, Dan?" Phil smiled, plopping onto his bed. Dan blushed and looked to the floor bashfully, never good with meeting new people.

"H-Hi," he almost whispered, and Phil couldn't help the smile that reached across his features, Dan was quickly becoming the cutest person he'd ever met.


"This is going to be the best film I'll ever make, I can feel it!" PJ beamed excitedly. Dan laughed,

"Peej, it's just you running around some places edited to look like planets, it's not that amazing." PJ scrunched up his nose, and clambered off of his bed.

"Well, I think it's absolutely amazing. I can see it now, cinemas everywhere will be advertising Pj, Tiny Planet Explorer, it will become a necessity for every human currently alive on this planet to watch my film. If they haven't... They face the consequences." He stood up straight, and stretched out. "I'm going to go get some food, want anything?" He flicked his gaze over to Phil, who shook his head. "Got it, you play nice now."

After he grabbed his wallet, he quickly left the room. Dan continued spell-checking the script, and felt the bed dip beside him.

"Peej can be a bit bossy, can't he?" Phil spoke in a hushed tone, Dan chuckled quietly and nodded.

"Just a bit... Hey, can you see any mistakes?" Dan tilted the screen toward Phil, who scanned the text quickly.

"No, I think you're good."

Dan shut the laptop finally, and looked up at the boy sat beside him.

"You're really cute..." Phil uttered, quickly covering his mouth afterward, he hadn't intended to voice that.

"T-t-thanks, I-I, t-thanks..."

Goddamned speech impediment. Dan thought, dropping his gaze and looking back at the macbook screen.

Good job Phil, you made him feel awkward. Congratulations, you're forever alone.


I'm so excited to start this story! It was inspired by the forever brilliant human by

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