Chapter 22

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I in fact did not come around, at least until Reid apologized with a giant bag of pink cotton candy

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I in fact did not come around, at least until Reid apologized with a giant bag of pink cotton candy. He and June wanted to go on another ride, but I didn't feel like throwing up what I had just eaten, so I waited for them at the exit with my bag of sugar.

As it got later, the temperature became a bit more bearable. I sat down on a nearby bench, lazily eating my food. I admired the groups of people who walked by, all laughing or looking at their paper maps trying to find their next destination.

A slim kid slid into the seat next to me, his black hoodie pulled over his head. "Hey," he turned to me, his voice scratchy.

"Sup," I nodded my head. He had bright green eyes that pierced right through me. The hairs on my arms and back of my neck stood on edge, the longer he stared. I looked away, going back to minding my own business.

"I see you have a sweet tooth for candy," he gestured towards my bag. "It's good to eat your feelings, I get that," he nodded his head.

My head swung towards him, shocked at the words that came out of his mouth. "Excuse me? What are you talking about?" He had some nerve coming over here just to insult me.

He shrugged his shoulders, leaning back into the bench chair. "I know a depressed person when I see one. I can see it in your eyes when you stare off into the distance. You're lonely, and that's okay. But I know a better way you can cope," he grinned.

"How," my voice dropped to a whisper, the question directed more to myself. The way he made such a bold statement and was completely accurate sent an eerie chill down my spine. I felt naked and exposed to the fact that a complete stranger could figure out what was wrong with me in a split second.

"I have some candy of my own I can give you," he dropped his gaze down to his lap where a little plastic baggie of white pills hung slyly out of the pocket of his jeans.

"W-what, no, I don't do drugs," I shook my head. I am not the type to shoot myself up with drugs or pop pills.

"They're not just drugs, they're happy pills. Doctor's prescription. It won't hurt you." He pushed some more.

I stood up from the bench, shaking my head. "No," I raised my voice. His eyes darkened, I guess not appreciating the attention I was attracting. My heart beat quickly in my chest as I walked away from him and waited for Reid and my brother at the gate, closer to the exit.

A few minutes later, Reid and June came running down the small steps, big grins on their faces. "That was awesome," June jumped, giving Reid a high five.

"Sure was," he said. His eyes landed on me and his grin slightly dropped as he took in my state. My shoulders were still shaking and regulating my breath was still a challenge. "Are you okay?"
He asked.

I nodded my head, trying to force a smile on my face. He looked down at my hands, his eyebrows rising, "wow you ate that whole bag of cotton candy already. We were only gone for about 15 minutes," he chuckled.

His Summer Addiction (Removing on July 30th)Where stories live. Discover now