forest tales ੈ✩‧₊˚

478 13 9

red x evermore<3

it was a sunday morning at the album house, and evermore was taking a walk in the forest nearby it, when someone seemed to be following her.

"is somebody there?" evermore asked. she had intended for this to be a time for a quiet poetry session.

when she heard no respone, she kept walking, and found a nice spot to sit by.

the autumn breeze hit her face and she started writing about what she saw, like every other morning.

cool autumn air
hits my face
as i think about what is happening
around me

the birds sing
in harmony
as they look around
amongst themselves

evermore paused for a second thinking about what to write next, when behind her, she heard a twig snap.

"hello?" evermore asked the nothingness.

"hey," replied a voice. it was red.

"what are you doing here?" evermore asked, confused. none of the other albumd seemed to like her very much.

"i was bored. what are you doing?" red asked, sitting next to evermore.

"just writing some poems, i know its weird but-" evermore started, but she was soon cut off by red.

"that so cool, can i see?" red smiled.

"uhm, sure." evermore replied.

"yay!" red said like a child getting ice cream.

after a moment of reading through her poems, red returned the journal.

"who are the love poems about?" red asked teasingly.

shit. i forgot about those. evermore thought to herself.

"nobody." she replied quickly. she knew she sounded like she was lying, but she went with it.

"c'mon, they have to be about someone." red argued.

"why are you even here?" evermore asked, she hadn't even intended for anyone to be here.

" because i like you. alot." red looked down at the floor, seemingly embarrassed.

"oh." evermore didn't know what to say.

"i thought everyone hated me though.." she trailed off.

red turned to look at evermore in confusion. "says who?" she asked

"i don't know, everyone just kinda thinks im weird and stuff so i assu-"

then for the second time, evermore was cut off.

"of course nobody hates you, its just a running joke between us all. im sorry you thought that." red said, sounding real.

"well.. thanks." evermore replied, giving red a cheeky smile.

"of course ev." red said leaning into her,

"ev?" evermore asked at the new nickname.

"yes, thats what im calling you now." she smiled like a child.


the rest of the day they spent in the forest, writing poems and playing around.

meanwhile in the groupchat...


speak now :
has anyone seen red and evermore??

fearless ☆:
fr like red told me we were going to hangout but she DITCHED ME

lover ☆:
i hope that they are alright!

reputation ☆:
same bc i need evermore to nbnc midnights for me

1989 ☆:
speak another word about midnights and ill nbnc YOU.

reputation ☆:

midnights ☆:
awh ily <3

1989 ☆:
me too<3

debut ☆:
ew gays.

midnights ☆:
stfu ur just mad bc ur ugly ass can't pull anyone.

folklore ☆:


that was the first chapter<3 ik its short but ill try to make them longer dw!

how was it btw? don't be a silent reader pls lol

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