Chapter 14

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Days had gone by with Dahlia constantly checking the super computer on any updates on super-powered drug deals. Every time she would refresh the screen she was still faced with zero hits. She would then proceed to pace around the room, thoughts racing as to what could be going on in the outside world and where the drug could possibly end up. After her pacing became too much for her she would be back at the computer refreshing the screen again, with the same results as 10 minutes ago. And thus the cycle would continue into the late hours of the night. She would only do this when Dick was out on his missions at night, still hunting down other criminals while they waited for any news. If he knew that this was completely consuming her and all the time she spent down here, he would surely put an end to it. But she could not help herself, when he would leave and she was alone the guilt would creep in, and she felt like she deserved these sleepless and worry-filled nights for allowing this to get out in the first place.

Training also worked as a distraction and retribution for all the built up emotions she was harboring. She was now able to lift over a hundred pounds without feeling even a bit dizzy, which was more than she could even lift naturally with her arms. Dick would also train with her, but with this new motivation she focused more on her dumbbells and didn't let Dick distract her as much as he used to. But she also could not stop herself from taking a quick glance at his amazing figure while he worked out. She still liked to show off for him, bragging about her progress in such a short amount of time.

They would always come together for dinner, which also served as a great distraction from Dahlia's imploding thoughts. That was the one time that the two could pause everything else and make time for each other, even though some nights were shorter than others. In these moments Dahlia was overcome with feelings of belonging, like she could do this forever and be fine with it. But unfortunately, even as well as these dinners would go, Dick still had an obligation as Nightwing, and he would eventually have to suit up and keep the streets safe. She thought about grabbing her suit and joining him sometimes, but images of her kidnapping and the horrible things that went down in that facility would screen across her mind, and she froze before even taking a step. Instead she just watched him disappear out the window and after she knew he was gone and out of sight, she would make her way back down to the computer room, starting her sleepless night of refreshing and pacing.

It was a Friday night and Dahlia was stuck in her normal routine while Nightwing was out helping capture a prison escapee. She was lost in thought when she heard static come through on the computer, and she quickly looked over to the screen. The computer screen was now broadcasting a man dressed in all black, including a black ski mask to conceal his face. He appeared to be outside in a desolate location with various warehouses surrounding him. Dahlia stared in confusion as to what could be going on and her heart started to beat faster as the man started to speak.

"This is a message for the beloved Bludhaven protector, Nightwing," the voice came through the speakers. Dahlia's mind was clouded but she knew that she recognized the voice, but while her brain continued to decode the voice that came through she was searching the keyboard desperately to find the button to connect her to Nightwing's ear. After a few seconds of frantic searching she finally found the computer's communication system.

"Base to Nightwing. You need to come see this," she said shakily into the microphone. Dahlia sat back and waited for the response, hands shaking.

"Ok we are just wrapping up here. On my way," finally came the reply over the computer. This did only little to calm Dahlia's nerves as she drew her attention back to the screen.

"I know your secret identity, and unless you want me to broadcast it to all of Bludhaven, meet me at the abandoned warehouses by the docks in about, let's say, an hour. I would say come alone, except I want you to bring your girl too. See you soon," the voice finished his request, but the broadcast was not over yet. Dahlia stared and watched in horror, as she finally was able to pinpoint whose voice it was, but that wasn't the part that shocked her the most, but rather what he did next.

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