Chapter One

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A/n~ Thank you @an_aizawa_simp for the recommendation! Hope you enjoy~

Aizawa pov

I take a turn down the dark alleyway getting even more lost in this labyrinth. I've probably lost the criminal I was looking for but I can't give up. I perked up at the sound of something hitting a wall. I ran over and saw Dusk, a vigilante who's quirk seems to be related to the dark. They look like they were thrown against the fire escape on the wall. Being an underground hero I've always been drawn to vigilantes.

I turn to the criminal and erase his quirk, he can make air blasts, and wrapped my capture weapon around him. "Target secured," I said, pressing a finger to my earpiece. "Hey, kid."

"I'm not a kid," Dusk growled.

"Sure," I teased. "Can you walk? The police will be here soon to deal with this freak," I jabbed a finger at the guy I just wrapped up, "I don't want them taking you in too."

The vigilante tried to get up but was struggling. I rolled my eyes and walked up, grabbing him around his midsection. He winced but tried to cover it up.

"No need to act tough, I can tell you're in pain."

Dusk glared and shoved me off. "I can walk by myself," he replied, almost falling over immediately. I gave him a look that said "sure."

I heard police sirens getting closer. "Seriously, you need to get out of here."

"I will," He barked, stumbling over to the wall, grabbing on for support. "I just need to breathe for a second."

And then he fell over. I sighed and walked over to the kid, I know he isn't but he's at least a few years younger then me so I don't care what he says, it's funny. Pressing the earpiece and making up an excuse I head home for the day. I struggled for a bit to unlock the door but finally managed. I dropped Dusk onto the couch. Mochi, the demon cat, came out of hiding with a small "mew."

"Hey girl," I cooed, "rough day at work." Mochi jumped onto the couch, rubbing her scent all over the newcomer. "This is Dusk," I explained. "He's a vigilante."

"Are you talking to the damn cat," Dusk grumbled.

"Great, you're awake."

Dusk tried to sit up and winced at the small action. "Ugh," He groaned, rubbing his ribs.

"I think you might have fractured something," I said reached forward. "Take off your shirt so I can check for injuries."

The vigilante growled, literally growled, curling away from my touch. "Don't."

"Okay, that was weird." I put my hands up in surrender. "Gonna give me a reason?"

"Because I fucking said so," Dusk shouted.

"I need to check your injuries," I explained. "Unless you'd rather go to a hospital."

Dusk winced. "Fine, but only if you promise not to say shit."

"I promise."

Dusk reached towards the bottom of his shirt and slowly pulled it up and over his head, struggling a bit at the action. He huffed and looked away. I noticed the vigilante is wearing a binder. "How long has that been on," I asked, a chilling calm to my voice.

Dusk muttered something I couldn't quite hear. "Speak up," I urged.

"Twelve hours," He said, only a bit louder.

"Dusk." He flinched at my tone, sheepishly looking away.

"Call me (name)," He whispered. "It's my real name."

"Fine. (Name), why did you think that was a good idea," I demanded.

"I had a bad dysphoria day. I don't usually wear it this long," (Name) promised.

"You need to take it off. You shouldn't even be wearing this while exercising, much less fighting crime!"

"I don't," He faltered.

I left the room, Mochi hopping on (Name)'s lap, in search of a specific item. I find it and head back to the living room to see (Name) hanging his head in shame. I chucked it at him, chuckling when he gives me a confused look. "It's my sweater," I said. "It should be big enough on you to help."

"Thank you," He sniffled, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," I waved him off. "You can get changed in my room. I can get you some more comfortable pants too if you want."

He nodded gently and picked up Mochi, carrying her while he followed me to my room. I set out a pair of sweats that would fit and closed the door behind me as I left. A few minutes later and the door was opened. "Thanks."

"No problem," I said, ruffling his hair. "I didn't see any other injuries. Which is a little weird since you were thrown against a wall."

"Oh, that's just because of my quirk. The darker it is, the more powerful my body gets. So I take less damage and my attacks are stronger," (Name) explained, getting a little excited and gesturing with his arms. I chuckled a little bit. "What's funny?"

"Nothing," I said, changing the topic to hide my blush. "Want to stay for a bit? I can make dinner and then we can watch a movie."

His eyes widened a bit but that quickly switched to a bright smile. "Yeah, I would like that."

A/n~ I love (name) so much! He acts all tough and distant but he's a softie at heart <3 I hope you enjoyed and have a great day/night my owlets!

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