Prompt #1 (Story A)

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Prompt 1 Write a Story about a Warrior who doesn't want to kill the Dragon

Genre: Fantasy

Rating: T

TWs: Minor Character Death

By J Wolf Silver

For centuries, many dragons have flown over human settlements, burning them to ash and cinders. Thousands of people were killed in these attacks. Despite the violence, dragons were seen as wise creatures, which terrified lords of the lands. That is when dragon hunting became a challenge.

When he was a boy, Andrew's father died a hero trying to slay a dragon. He had dreamed of slaying dragons himself, if he was going to die any death, he wanted it to be protecting those who need it..

At 13, he began to train his body and his mind to take on such a task. Many hunters wandered through town on a regular basis so he would always listen to their tales. He would ask about specifics and information on the dragons. One thing that the hunters would always emphasize is that they are not mindless monsters. They can think and feel and are notoriously hard to out smart. They can hear, and smell you for miles.

The stories only made Andrew work harder and smarter

When he was 17, he traveled to the capital city to sell the linens his mother made. In the middle of town square, he saw David, a hunter who's traveled through his small town often, along with his crew, some new, some recognizable.

When David spotted him, he called out to Andrew and waved him over.

"Andrew, my boy, your mother send you to the market again?"

Andrew smile, "Yes Sir."

"Stop with the sir, boy!" David chastised, "You're a man now and it suits you."

David gestured to Andrew's frame. You could see his muscles through his wool shirt. Unlike David, Andrew wasn't built like a bear. He was built like a cougar, muscular yet agile.

"Only if you stop calling me boy, sir." Andrew looked David pointedly in the eye.

After a short pause, David laughed, "Right you are. Run along and sell those linens then come to meet us back here, we'll walk back with you."

Andrew simply nodded and continued on his way.

It never took him long to sell the linens, especially when he went up to the market by King Heralds Castle. The entire area was a buzz with something but Andrew didn't care enough to pay attention.

He returned to the center of town an hour before sunset where David and his men were waiting on him.

"Good haul, Andrew?" asked David

"Always is." he smiled.

"We have to detour to one other village on the way. Dragon attack." David said solemnly, "You're welcome to come with us. We got some extra rations for you."

David and his men stared expectantly. He had never seen the aftermath of a dragon attack before. He's heard stories but he never had the means or opportunity to see one.

"Of course I'll join you." Andrew said.

"Perfect!" David said as one of the men shoved a moderate bundle of rations and and extra canteen into his arms, "We all carry our own supplies."

Andrew understood and put the items into his pack.

"It's about a half day out of the way so we better get moving before it gets too dark." David said turning around and trudging towards the gate out of the castle walls.

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