Prompt #2 (Story A)

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Prompt: Write a story about two characters who like each other but don't get a happily-ever-after.

Genre: Fan Fiction

Rating: T

By BCHunter426

The sun shone down on Shady Folks retirement village. Elderly witches and demons milled about on the lawn, enjoying the cool fall air and practicing their sleight of hand to steal snails from their fellow retirees. Walking up the path is a family of five, mother and father struggling to keep the young twins from pestering those who live there. The teenage daughter walks solemnly toward their destination, seemingly in her own world. Once the twins were under control and they'd all caught up with their daughter and sister. The mother knocked on the door.

"One moment, just finishing my set." A few moments a dull thud was heard and the door opened to reveal the sweaty face of Willow Park, her grey hair tied in double braids.

"Hi mom, sorry we're late. We were caught up in the antics of hurricanes Izzy and Carly."

As if summoned, the twins barreled past their mom and hugged each of their grandma's legs. "Gramma Willow!" The girls said in unison.

"Hello there little hurricanes." Willow said affectionately. "Where's my oldest granddaughter? Quit hiding behind your parents and give your grandma a hug."

Lark smiled and stepped forward to envelop her grandmother in a tight hug. "I wasn't hiding grandma."

"Mhmm, sure. Maybe not behind your parents, but you looked like you were hiding in your thoughts."

"How do you do that?" Lark asked with a laugh.

"When you get to be my age you learn how to read your family. Come on, sit down and we'll have a chat." Willow turned to take a step toward the couch, but discovered a new pair of giggling shoes had appeared on her feet.

"Come on kids, get off your grandma's feet."

"Rosewood Park Evermore, are you feeling okay? These are my new shoes. Do you not like them?" Willow posed her legs as best she could with the new weight. "I think they're quite dashing."

Izzy and Carly giggled harder as their grandma hefted them along toward the couch. "Gramma it's us! We're not shoes!"

"Oh my goodness! It is you." She beamed down at them after the illusion poofed away. "You're getting good at those illusion spells."

"You have no idea." Rose said and hugged her mother. "Still training everyday I see." She gestured to the weights in front of the couch.

"Of course, you never know when a slitherbeast is going to make a move." She winked mischievously and flexed her not inconsiderable biceps. "Plus I've got to be in shape for the Bonesborough Brawl next month. You're coming right? Your brother will be there too. I need my cheering section."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Rose said with a loving smile. "It'll be nice to catch up with Rowan. How's he doing these days?"

"You know Rowan. Constantly building his witchitarion empire. His newest cause is getting housing built for disenfranchised demons. Tinela Nosa has been a big help for him. I tell you, that woman doesn't seem to age. Other than a few crow's feet she looks the same as when I was Lark's age."

Rose chuckled. "Where's dad?"

"He'll be along soon. He was finishing up a Palisman for a student when I called him." She grabbed the collar of her son in law's shirt. "Don't think you can sneak past me young man. I may be old, but I'm still sharp as a tack." She pulled Mavris into a bone crushing hug.

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