Chapter 12

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Author's POV

The 27 years-old was busy making the special breakfast for his lovely sister and for the guest who are going to join them in an hour, while he was occupied in his important work he heard the loud music coming from upstairs, Y/n's room, he chuckled hearing her terrible vocals, finally she is back to normal from her cry baby self, only I know how many mood swings she gets whenever she is sick or sad or in her days. It's soo tough for me to handle this girl I don't know how Jungkook did? It's soo surprising man!

Soon he heard Y/n's shout from her already opened mick--

Y/n: OH SHIT!! I HAVE ONLY 30 MINS LEFTT!!!!!! RUN Y/N RUN!! (He laughed his ass off in response)

Time Skip~

Here again she was standing in front of him showing her puppy eyes to his one and only brother who was rubbing his forehead while helping her in choosing a perfect dress.

Tae: This one will look good on you!

Y/n: But oppa this one I have already wore 1 times in front of them! I can't repeat it specially on that important day!!

Tae: Jeez! You have already rejected my every suggestion, I'm not helping you anymore!

Y/n: Anniii~ Oppaa~ You have the very cool fashion sense that's why I always ask for your help please don't betray me now!! 

Tae: Yeah Yeah! (He rolled his eyes)

Y/n: Please Oppaa~ 

Tae: Why don't you buy a new dress!!??

Y/n: Oh! Yeshhh!!! Thank youuuu Opppaaa~ 

Tae: I know my brain is sharp just like my jawline uff!! But wait why don't you take Jun with you and buy the dress he will love!? How's my idea miss?

Y/n: Super Duper Bombastic Fantastic Boss!! (She bowed dramatically before jumping on him)

Time Skip~

Y/n's POV

Both Jun and Jungkook reached and we all are having breakfast that Oppa made. 

Tae: So Jungkook how's business is going on?

Jungkook: It's good Hyung.

Tae: I will have to say that you at this young age did a lot of hard work. It must be stressful and hectic?

Jungkook: I.. My parents were always there for me and now I have my Jun, who always support me.

Tae: Glad to hear that. Btw champ! how's the breakyy?

Jun: It's shoo good Hyung!! (He passed him his beautiful smile)

Jungkook: Yea Hyung I still don't believe you made this. (Taehyung chuckled looking at them)

Y/n: so! Let's go outside and have fun todayy okayy!!

Jun: Yeeee!!!!! (He started clapping happily)

Jungkook: But your health is still--

Tae: Ehh! don't be so boring Jeon, let's go she is fine now. You don't even know in morning she was singing terribly-----

Y/n: Oppaa!!! (Taehyung nervously smiled at her, making the environment more awkward for Jungkook)

Y/n: We are going and that's final!

Time Skip~

We decided to go to mall first, Jun is with all the time and Jungkook is with Oppa, I was randomly asking Jun about some clothes, but suddenly I felt a strong gaze on me so I looked up to see a man dressed in worker's cloth was looking at me, to be very specific he was giving me dirty looks as if I'm standing naked, jerk. I rolled my eyes and cursed him in my mind, I can't even curse in the presence of Jun. I pulled out Jun from there and left to check the other side of children's area. I choose some cool shirts for him, even though Jun was enjoying with me but I can still see that he is now getting bored and just pretending in front of me. I texted Jungkook to buy something for Jun.

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