Drunken Dog and Choleric Cat

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Hello everyone, this isn't mine, it is from Oleksiy on AO3, and was nice to let me post it on Wattpad, so please enjoy their masterpiece and check them out, link in the description or at the end.

Oleksiy notes: I think J and N's relationship has pretty big potential instead of it being what we have in the show. But considering the screen time J got in Dead End and the direction the show is going, the chances of these two sorting out their differences are lower than the chances of me stopping procrastinating. Well, I guess that's why fanfiction exists.

Also, I would like to thank my fanfic ideas sponsor ̶R̶a̶i̶d̶ ̶S̶h̶a̶d̶o̶w̶ ̶L̶e̶g̶e̶n̶d̶s̶ my brain at 3 am. Thank you for giving me life-changing thoughts when I am trying to sleep.

Now onto the Story

The night is settling in. Outside is filled with chilling night wind, the typical darkness filled in the outdoors. Common weather of rain and thunder is terrorizing the outside world. Raindrops slide down the window of the room.

Inside the Elliott mansion, every human and drone alike is going to sleep. Currently, in the room of the owner's daughter, there is peace and quiet. It is the usual situation as always. The evening is turning into night as everyone is heading to take a rest for the next hours of sleep.

J was sitting, slightly riding a rocking horse. Needless to say, she was bored and tired. Today was exhausting. Since it was Friday, it meant that there were plenty of guests in the mansion, which meant more duties to deal with. Good thing that the weekends are next, they are always easier and calmer.

As J leaned on the horse's head, resting her head in her hand, she looked around the room. There was nothing of interest to see, just a spacious room, with plenty of toys cast around.

She could see her coworkers, already sleeping in their offline mode. V chose to rest in the room's corner, sitting on the floor and her back put against a wall. A glitchy, you can say damaged, drone named Cyn was lying on the floor near the dollhouse, her limbs stretched in a way that wouldn't be normal for any other machine.

Only J wasn't the drone to go into offline mode by now. She continued to ride the horse, slowly and carefully swaying. She preferred to have her sleeping place here, she just liked it here for whatever reason. Maybe it is because of the times when her owner was punished by her parents by being literally chained in the room along with her 'dumpster pets'. During that J couldn't go further than this rocking horse.

The maid would turn off any moment now if she didn't hear her owner addressing her.

"Hey, J" the young female called for the drone.

J turned her head to her left, looking at the human in front of her. "Yes, Tessa?" She responded with an exhausted tone.

"Have you seen, N?" Tessa asked, sitting on her bed, curious and worried, about the location of one of her drones.

"No," the twin-tailed robot replied indifferently. "As a matter of fact, I haven't seen him for the entirety of the day," J added, sighing. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, it is bedtime and he is still not here. It's not like him." The girl answered, her face seemingly upset.

Oh right, they have another drone in their little family called N, the absence of whom J didn't notice, how rude of her. Well, it is indeed strange for him not to show up. Usually, he would already be sleeping here with the others by now, but right now, he is nowhere to be seen.

"I'm starting to get worried J. What if he is damaged and we don't know? Or what if he is lost?" Tessa started to openly panic about the worst scenarios that were entering her head.

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