Chapter - 6

92 4 2

Author P.O.V

Stepping on the gas of his sports car, Taehyung finally reached his mansion. The fact that he couldn't catch the one who destroyed his shipment hurt his pride so bad.

The two billion dollars which turned into ashes is nothing actually it's not a problem at all, he has the capacity to earn that lost money within 2 days but the trust he invested in his men was shattered.

Even after trying so hard which is absolutely his best, Yoongi couldn't find the person who is behind all this but after combining all the left-out clues, he declared that it is only possible with someone's help from inside.

Betrayal, is something Taehyung could never forgive. That burning anger inside him raising moment by moment. Walking over to his room he stopped for a second near Sarah's doorstep. Upon hearing nothing he assumed that she might be fast asleep.

To calm his mind and body Taehyung decided to take a look at her angelic face. Fishing out the key from his pocket he unlocked the door and opened it slowly.

Finding the bed empty, he turned around and his eyes fell on the window making Sarah freeze. Taehyung stopped in his tracks comprehending the situation infront of him. As soon as the signals of what is happening infront of him reached his brain, the adrenaline rushed through his veins.

"PARK SARAH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" his face turned red.

Flinching at his voice, Sarah stuck to the wall. In the span of their 2 years relationship, it is her first time hearing her name from Taehyung's mouth. It's always Princess to him.

He started taking heavy steps towards her intensifying the atmosphere. Sarah's heart rate increased seeing his fuming face.

"I asked you something!" he barked infront of her face.

"T-Taehyung" she stuttered.

His breaths came out uneven as he tried controlling his rage. Grabbing her wrist in a steel grip "Speak the fuck up!" he gritted.

"Let me go! It's hurting" she hissed in pain all the while trying to free herself from his grip.

"Do you really think you can escape from me? Do you think I am a mafia king for nothing? HUH?" he yelled pinning her both hands to the wall.

"T-taehyung. You got it a-all wrong" she is terrified now. He is not the Taehyung she knew anymore he is the 'V' whom she heard about.

"Got it wrong? You were caught red-handed, Sarah" he scoffed.

"For the last time, I AM NOT ESCAPING" she yelled being fed up with his drama.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me" he warned.

"Or what? WHAT MORE YOU GONNA DO YOU MONSTER----" not letting Sarah to complete her sentence he slammed his lips on hers. Monster is something which he despises to hear from her mouth.

The harsh bite on her lips made Sarah to come back to her senses, finally pushing him with all her strength to which he stumbled back. The fact that he forced her into a kiss made her mad.

Outraged by the situation she struck him sharply across his face resonating the slap sound throughout the room.

Taehyung's head tilted to a side with the impact.

That's a first for him!

"I hate you, Taehyung!" she spat out in anger.

In a flash he grabbed her throat in his huge hands making the grip tighter every passing second. Her face was already red as of the pressure he is applying. Just a snap and her existence will be done for but being the atrocious male, he is he won't end a person's life that merely.

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