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Running the 7.5 miles to school, I wondered how normal people got to school. In a car maybe or even on a bus but not me no I run it and still beat the bus. I'm Demi by the way, Demetria Elizabeth Sophia La Rocca, but you can call me Demi, if I like you!!!! I live in York, just off the east coast with my mum Trisha and my dad George. I have lived here for as long as I can remember and I have a secret that nobody can ever know.... EVER!!! If anyone finds out we're all dead, literally. You probably think we're all druggies or criminals or something but were not.... We're just wolfbloods. Yup you heard right, I'm Demi, a wolfblood but you can't tell anyone, anyone at all otherwise I will be hunted down and experimented on and be cut up into little pieces and frozen in boxes so future generations can gaze upon the first known wolfbloods. So keep it zipped will ya?? Anyways, when people ask how do you get to school, what am I supposed to say?? Yeah I totally run seven and a half miles to school everyday because I'm a wolfblood, you ??? It is soooo awkward around my friends and everything because every full moon I change so one night every month I can't go out with anyone and the excuses keep changing, with some like:

• family are coming over

• relatives birthday

Or even faking the flu, but I can't keep this up forever though, and sooner or later someone is going to find out and BAM!! It's all over. So you can kinda see why I need to keep it a secret. If you tell so much as a fly, I will find you, rip your head off, then eat it!! You have been warned, so don't say ya haven't!!!

Now that we have that out of the way, lets get back to the story, shall we? As I was saying, I run to school everyday because I get to leave home later than everyone else and still get there before everyone else, even if they closer than me. My parents disapprove greatly but they don't try and stop me, because they know what I can do. When I get angry, no one can control me. I know this because one late night, I snuck back in and my mum was sat on my bed, waiting for me. I could not control myself and so I lashed out at the wall, and to this day, the crack is still visible on the wall. As my anger rose, I could feel myself turning. My mum saw this and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me to our TR (turning room) where we all go every full moon, to protect ourselves and others around us. If my mother had not reacted so quickly, my house would be nothing but a pile of rubble to this very day. That's it really, pretty simple. Life was pretty simple, until a lone wolf arrived and wouldnt leave. Guess who it was, Louis flippin Tomlinson!!!

Here's how it all began.......................


Hello there, me little *pet name*,

I dont really have anything to say apart from I love ya all!!!!!!




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