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Thinking back on it now, how much we have all been through and will no doubt continue to go through, I can't help but imagine what my life would be like if Edward Cullen failed to exist.

I let my mind wander into the painful depths of my fabricated world. Sensing my unease, Edward tightened his arms around my waist as he whispered in my ear.

"What's the matter love?" He asked as he stroked my cheek.

I turned to face him and pressed my lips to his for a moment, then pulled away to answer. "I was just letting my mind wander. The usual" Edward chuckled  against my hair as he grumbled about being unable to read my mind.

Every morning with Edward was filled with passionate touches and soft spoken words as we patiently waited for our daughter to wake. "Shall we start getting ready? Renesmee should be up any minute." I said. He swiftly got out of bed scooped me up into his arms and carried me toward the closet.

We dressed in a calm fashion, choosing some casual items. A pair of jeans and dark navy tank for myself. Corduroys and a white V neck for Edward. Today was one of our favorite days. Friday, our hunting day. Renesmee was ecstatic when Fridays came along because that was the day Jacob joined us on our adventures in the woods.

As Edward and I finished our dressing we made our way to our daughters room to greet her like every morning when she awoke. Surprisingly Renesmee was already up, dressed and had her backpack filled with a blanket and books ready to go.

"Momma, you know what day is don't you?" She chirped melodically.

She visibly grew overnight, her hair a few centimeters longer than the previous day. Along with her height slightly and maturing facial features.

Gladly she has five years to fully mature into an apparent eighteen year old.

I picked her up in my arms and tightly squeezed her. "Of course I do. It's your favourite day of the week." She placed her hand lightly on my cheek showing me what her desires are for the day.

Herself and Jake on a blanket, in the forest listening to Edward read The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. One of her favorites.  While I filled the background talking to Alice and Jasper about what our evening will bring.

Edward walked over and kissed the tops of our heads agreeing to her afternoon plans. She squealed and climbed into her fathers arms, thanking him and pressing her hand against his face to reveal her dreams of the previous night.

She showed us her dreams, nightmares and desires everyday. She preferred to communicate this way. We also encouraged her to speak more often and to get used to having to use her words.

She slightly protested but compromised that she will practice in both daily. Giving into her was simple, she was very persuasive. Nessie - which I had grown accustom to calling her - has Edward and I wrapped around her delicate finger. She is our precious miracle.

We finished packing up for our trip and made our way, hand in hand, to the main house to wish good morning to rest of the family and pick up Jake, Alice and Jasper. As usual Alice knew we were on the way and greeted us at the door.

"You ready for a fun day Nessie?" Alice piped.

Renesmee cheered and rushed inside to see Jake and show him her dreams. Edward followed behind her speaking to Carlisle on the way in. I waited noticing the expectant look Alice had plastered on her face.

I shifted toward Alice  "It's a party isn't it.." I glumly said. Still not a huge fan of surprises. Immortality hadn't changed me as much as I expected.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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