Scene 17 😡

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Ningguang finally left her company and started looking outside while sitting in her car. She was tired and it could be seen in her eyes. Beidou returned from the trip, but neither called nor texted her.

?: Lady Ningguang, are you okay?

N: Huh? Oh, I'm fine. Go to usual bar, I have someone to see.

?: As you wish.

Whenever Beidou wasn't calling or writing to her, she would always go to the bar and usually pass out there, even if her friends dispersed to their homes, she wouldn't go. Ningguang hated this habit of her. Ningguang knew that she couldn't get the bad memories from her past out of her mind in any other way, and that she also really loved drinking, but blonde haired woman still didn't like this habit of her.

When they finally arrived at the bar, she got out of the car, told the driver to wait, and went inside.

People shouting around, sitting quietly and drinking something, crying in the corner, talking nonsense because they were drunk... There were all kinds of people in the bar, Ningguang ignored them and moved towards the back.

When she saw the brown haired woman sitting alone and dozing, she poked her in the shoulder.

N: Beidou.

B: ...

N: Wake up. You fell asleep again.

B: Mmmmhm...

N: (pokes her shoulder harder) Get up.

When the brown haired woman finally opened her eyes and lifted head, she smiled, suddenly stood up and hugged her.

B: Ning Ning~! I miss you so much!

N: You didn't even send me a message saying you were coming.

B: Sor- *hicc* I was really going to write it..

N: I'm sure it is. Come on.

Ningguang put her arm around her shoulder as she took her by forse, Beidou apologized until they got to the car, but the blonde woman looked clearly angry. When she got her into the car, she got in as well, and the driver started driving the car to Beidou's house.

N: ...

B: Ning... Ning-

N: Say my name properly.

B: Ningguang.. I lov-

N: (covers Beidou's mouth with his hand to prevent the driver from hearing what he has to say) Don't say nonsense things again. Shush.

Surprisingly, Beidou actually fell silent and leaned her head on Ningguang's shoulder. This was something that was not expected from her, she was usually stubborn and honest in such matters, now her silence was not normal for the blonde haired woman.

When they got home, Ningguang took the keys from Beidou's pocket and took her out of the car. Although the driver offered to help, Ningguang refused. She entered the apartment, took the woman to her home, put inside and sat her on the bed.

B: Ning..

N: Go to sleep. I leave your key on the nightstand (leaves the key).

B: Don't go.

N: I'm sleepy, I'll wake up early tomorrow.

B: Don't go..

N: Good night (kisses her forehead).

B: Ningguang. Don't go.

N: ... (As she is about to walk away, she sighs when a hand holds her own) Go to sleep, I can't stay.

3, 2, 1 DIE! / Shenlan \ Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now