Mine | (Yandere! Nagisa x reader)

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A/N: (this is my first yandere one-shot. I know there are some grammar mistakes but I tried. anyways enjoy this little yandere shota!)

He had loved you since childhood, Nagisa Hazuki was in love with you since the very day you met him. He loved everything about you from your sweet voice, happy attitude, and beautiful form and features. Everything about you was perfect and he wanted to keep you all to himself, only him and no one else. But he was a monster, he would kill anyone in his way just to get to you or anyone with you.

Nagisa did his usual routine; go to school with you, go to classes with you since you both had the same schedule, eat lunch, go to swim practice with you watching the team, and to go with you to your home and then go to his own. But today wasn't a normal day for him as all the rest of the days. While he was walking with his lunch to go up and eat lunch with you since he didn't feel like sitting with his team he saw something terrible before his eyes. He saw you with one of his classmates, Hiroshi. He saw the both of you eating lunch together, laughing and talking and you not noticing him at all. Anger and jealousy filled him up and murderous thoughts filled his mind, 'you are mine not his' or 'he is going to die.'  Nagisa left the two of you alone to plot the murder of Hiroshi-san in a very painful and slow death. He was going to make sure Hiroshi was going to be punished for his actions.

"Nagisa? is something the matter?" Rei asked his friend who looked in a very deep thought, "uh..-what? oh. no, nothing is wrong Rei-chan!" Nagisa smiled like his usual bubbly self. "Are you sure?" His friend looked concerned. "Yes! I'm fine just a bit tired that's all" Nagisa chuckled nervously but a dark glare in his magenta eyes. They continued their day as usual but Nagisa was thinking of other things. dark things. Rei worried for his poor friend as to what is happening to him right now.

It was the end of the day, Nagisa grabbed all his things and walked over to Hiroshi. "Hey Hiroshi-san!" Nagisa greeted with a warm smile to his fellow classmate. "Hello Nagisa, what is it?" Hiroshi asked, "Oh I just wanted to tell you something! Follow me!" Nagisa chuckled in his happy attitude. But little did you know that Nagisa had a surprise for Hiroshi-san.

Nagisa lead the male into one of the empty alleyways on school campus, secretly carrying a knife with him. Nagisa stopped for a moment and turned to Hiroshi, "what is it?" Hiroshi said looking confused. Nagisa's eyes darkened,"I came here to give you a reminder..." Nagisa grabbed Hiroshi by the throat with one hand causing Hiroshi to choke. He glared at him with blank eyes, "(y/n) is MINE got that?" he grabbed Hiroshi's throat harder causing the poor boy to choke and spit out blood which splattered all over the ground. Nagisa grabbed his knife and lunged at Hiroshi's stomach and let go of his grip on Hiroshi's throat causing him to fall on the ground. Hiroshi was coughing up blood and ached in severe pain of his injuries but with all his strength he had now tried to crawl up to Nagisa's ankle and tried to grab it but Nagisa immediately stomped on Hiroshi's hand crushing his fingers. Poor Hiroshi screamed and cried in pain while Nagisa threw the knife on the ground and walked away from the scene not caring for the injured student and went on to find you, and now...you were finally his.

You were searching for your dear friend Hiroshi around campus but unsuccessfully didn't, you walked around the campus until you bumped into Nagisa. "Nagisa!" you smiled cheerfully as he embraced you in a tight hug, "What is it (y/n)?" Nagisa asked tilting his head. "I can't find Hiroshi-kun!" you sighed "He's been gone after since lunch! And I've been looking for hours!" you said looking a bit disappointed. "I know where he is!" Nagisa laughed cheerfully but this seemed odd to you, "where is he?" you asked but there was a small time of silence. "...I killed him.." Nagisa said, "A-Are you joking?" you said shaking a bit. "No (y/n), I killed him so we could be together without anyone in the way. You are mine (y/n), I won't let anyone talk to you or be with you" Nagisa chuckled darkly. Before you could react Nagisa slammed you into the wall since he was stronger than you for some reason. "You are mine and forever mine and we shall be together forever" Nagisa kissed you forcefully then your vision started to black out, "forever.." were the last words that you heard from the blonde as you were knocked out and now in complete darkness.

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