Fire Thorn

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I slowly follow Memo into the portal (the circle of bushes). All I can see is a flash of light. After the flash I see that I am no longer in my neighborhood. My eyes are burning because I went from my midnight neighborhood to a midday realm.

"Have a look around," Memo says. I look at him with a straight face. "Or we could just go to Sam... what you need to do is put me in your hand, say "Sam Grant" and throw me at your feet." So I do what he says. It was pretty weird, but a fast way to travel.

I am taken to a stone structure in the sky. I am alone, Memo isn't there. It is only has two levels. I see no one down stairs so check the up stairs. My head pops up and I see feet. Then a high pitched scream.

"Dude calm down!" I yell at the mysterious man. He slowly turns around.

"RYAN!" We look at each other with surprise. I break the silence.

"Is Sam here?"

"Oh yeah. If you jump down the hole down stairs and go right up that hill he should be there." I look at him with confusion and head down stairs. I see that there is a hole in the corner of the room. Am I just supposed to jump!? I though. I look down and see A LOT of water. I breath in, and jump. It was actually really cool. I feel the freezing water splash against my warm skin. I do a beautiful hair flip. I go up the hill like Ryan said.

"SAM!" I shout as I run to hug Sam. I tackle him. He shouts in pain. He pushes me off not knowing who I am. He rolls over and looks at me.

"Alex..." His voice trails off. We lock eyes. Then quickly pulls me in and squeezes me hard, it's hard to breath, but I like it. We don't notice that creepily standing behind us is Ryan. Then he decides to kill the moment.

"Thanks for leaving me out guys." I get off Sam and help him up. Sam and I stare at Ryan with straight faces. Ryan finally gets the point at goes back to his flying box, or as he calls it, his home. Awhile later Sam and I catch up. Ryan joins us and brings pumpkin pie.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot. Look at your dominate hand." Sam says. I slowly raise my right hand. Somehow I didn't notice that I had a red charm bracelet on my wrist.

"Fire." Sam says with amazement. 

"Fire?" I say thinking he's cray.

"You have the power to control fire, like in that TV show we used to watch."

"So being able to control the elements is an actual thing?" Sam nods. He swiftly moves his hand and the ground starts to shake a bit. The ground underneath Sam shoots up. I look up at him.


The bright sunset slowly fades away. I follow Sam and Ryan into their box for the night. We talk for hours. The realm we are in is called Fire Thorn. It is filled with middle aged kids who are lost. Hopefully those kids will find who they are and go back to their home. Because Sam doesn't have much of a home to go to, he and Ryan are going to explore different realms. They asked if I would join them but I couldn't just leave Ethan. Of course I didn't mind to leave my jackass Father. I don't know what I am going to do about Ethan, or Sam. I'll just plain as I go. 

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