The sky people

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Nateyams pov

Two years ago, my father and me laid in our death bed. You ask why? Well two years ago from today quarich and his blue team had raided me and my brothers hunting trip leading to me getting shot in the chest. 1inch off from piercing my heart.  I was put in a coma for 3 months so my body could heal. I wasn't supposed to make it. But somehow i did.

When my father had found out i had been shot, he went into war with Quarich. My father and Quarich ended up getting into a one-on-one battle. My father sliced Quarich's head off with clean cut. My father coming out of the fight within an Inch of his life. Putting him on bed rest for two months taking it easy for six.  We won the war, and now two years later were just picking at the rest of the sky people day by day. 

Our forces have gotten stronger. The new generation being old enough to join the raids. Meaning more people and new talent. We now have avatars and scientist to help advance our teams and help regrow the environment the sky people had burned to ash. Our healing teams have become smarter, and stronger and also more efficient. We have guns and grenades and dynamite, also smoke bombs in our weapon inventory. We have become the most well-respected clan in history. Eywa being on our side the most. 

But that all changes when a new round of sky people invaded pandora.


"Nateyam! Wake up!" My father said Shaking me from my deep sleep. Everything was in a haze, my ears were ringing, and my vision was blurry, and I felt a sharp pain in my head causing me to groan. My father yelling at me to come out of my comatose state, My eyes flickered open. All I could see was the blurry vision of my father's silhouette.  I squint my eyes trying to get them to focus, soon the ringing in my ears became the screams of my people, and the cries of kids and mothers. My vision finally becoming focused as I could see my father cupping my face shaking me violently trying to wake me, and the silhouette of my younger brother hovering over me as he was checking my head. I must have Hit my head on something.

Using whatever strength, I had left to sit up and come out of whatever state I was in. I pulled my limp body onto the support of my arms. The stinging pain in my head became more noticeable. in curiosity I place my hand on the aching spot sending waved of pain through my body making my wince. I could feel the wet sensation grip onto my fingertips as I ran my gingers on the gash on my head. It wasn't deep, but it would leave a scar. 

"He's up!" My brother yelled in relief as he supported my pounding head. "Nateyam I need you to look at me. ---Good, Now follows my fingers." Doing as my father said I followed his fingers with my eyes. my senses now coming into focus as I was now becoming more aware of what was going on. 

"Dad what's happening?" I asked my father as he and my brother help me stand up until I'm able to stand on my own. "The clans under attack, the cave is collapsing. You hit your head pretty hard, we need to get out of here." I nodded and the urgency of the situation took over my body. The adrenaline now pumping in my veins as I go into warrior mode. Grabbing whatever I needed including some clothes and my knives, gun and bow and arrows. Putting on my riding gear before heading to the exit. I take the time to look around my once beautiful home that was filled with memories of me and my sibling. and of my parents. This was the place where I had become a man. Where my little sister grew up. And now it was gone. My mom's pots and dishes shattered, and the tent was on fire. smoke filling my lungs as my sisters' favorite toys were now into a pile of ash. I would make her more. 

Sighing as I look away from the destruction and head to where my father and brother waited. Now noticing the absence of my sister and mother. "Where's mom and the girls?" I asked as I searched the clan. Making my heart now break in two. The Tipi's were burned, families were evacuated, the sky scientists and avatars took whatever they had with them and escaped in the helicopters, everything was scattered or destroyed. my home was gone. Again. There was no going back, this was beyond repair. "Nateyam" my father's voice brought my attention back to the current situation at hand as I was still worried about my sisters and the wellbeing of my mother. I swear if anything happened to them, I would kill every last demon on this planet.

"They are with your grandmother and the rest of the women and kids; I told them to seek refuge at the Tayrangi clan. The sky people won't be able to follow us. Their lands are off the map." I sigh in relief, 'smart thinking dad. '

"Are we fighting or are we retreating?" my brother asks "retreating, we will fight later when we have a plan of action. But for now, let's go before this cave takes us down with it." Me and My brother nod as we follow my dad through the cave, dodging fallen Debree and items scattered on the ground, helping our people on the way out making sure everyone made it out before heading towards safety. My brother and me jump on our Ikran's with the company of an injured kid and mother. My father helping max onto his before we take off. 

Now that we were in a safe distance, I find myself looking back at the damage of high camp, my home. my people's home. I don't know how the sky people found us, but they did. The floating mountain was broken into pieces as the magnetic field that once kept the beautiful rock floating was now a puzzle. watching as Debre fell into the beautiful forest that I've known my whole life. Everything was gone. My home, the forest. It enraged me. It took everything in my being not to go back and fight. To kill those who have hurt my family, to kill the ones who have burned the forests and the animals who lived in them. This was the last straw, I didn't know what my father had planned but I know whatever it is, will send the sky people back to their planet for good. We will destroy their buildings and creations that they have made on Eywa's land. By 10 years they will just be a myth. And I'm going to make sure of it.

Falling for the ole'eyktans daughter. (Nateyam x oc)Where stories live. Discover now