Chapter 1.

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Dream looked into George's brown hazel honey orbs, as he grasps the back of his hair. "Oh Gorgey, you've been a bad boy."

"W-what? Have I, master?" George looks at him with an urge he could never say out loud.

"What are you thinking, kitten?" Dream starts to slowly dry hump George's member.

"I wanna shit in you." George mumbles, looking away from his lovers eyes. "I said that out loud... didn't I.."

"Ermm. Yes, kitten. And I don't mind." Dream smirks deviously. "But, I'm the one who's going to poop in you."

George felt a drop of sweat drip down to his lower abdomen, feeling his pants get a little tighter. "Daddy, please hurry." He whispers in Dreams ear, as he sees Dreams member start to slowly arise.

"Take your pants off." Dream demanded, looking at his whimpering boyfriend. Dream had felt like he had gone into heat, and he needed a hole to relive himself. Immediately. "You're taking too goddamn long." Dream yelled, ripping his pants into two. "AWOOGA! YOU ARE QUITE THE HARD ONE, DEAR SIR."

"S-stop teasing me, hurry up schnookums."

"Beg. Beg for daddy's massive shlong." He starts to rip off George's shirt, along with his undie wundies. All of the sudden they hear a Gift sound. PING! They both turn to Dreams PC and see the his camera light on. Dream hurriedly tan towards the PC, checking to see if it was recording. His twitch chat was on fire.

DreamLover69: Keep going!

GogyWogy_579: fuck i'm almost finished hurry up

SillySapnap: Got caught XD!

StrokeItHarder231: I knew Dream was a top!!! DreamNotFound is real!

Ohyes_692: I wish i was gogy...

StinkyFartUpMyAss_45: Stick it right in the tush tush! Uwu!!

George looks at the camera in shock, pulling his underwear back up.

FuckOhYesStinkItInMeDaddyDream: why his he kinda big tho...

George smiles softly, making Dreams eyes turn red. "T-thanks..." George starts to blush cutley."

"STOP LOOKING AT HIM." Dream screams like a little girl. "HES MINE..."

Dreams eyes start to glow into a deep neon red, as he shaking profusely. He starts to growl slightly, bringing George's attention back on his master. The soft growls soon turn into extremely loud howls of anger. His arms start to protrude long strands of gray hair, making him look like a feisty beast. "D-dream..?" George looks into his eyes, seeing the back of his pants start to rip, revealing a hairy tail.

His normal ears pop off of his skull, and long hairy ears start to form. His nose got rounder and darker, forming a snout. "GRRR..." He got angrier and angrier by the second, George knew he had to do something. Suddenly, Dream slams his fist, or should I say Paw, on the computer. The PC slowly started to combust into thousands of pieces, turning off the livestream.

"We need to talk George."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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