Chapter 1

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"Order up for Table 4!" Suzy said. I grabbed the serving tray full of delicious food. A burger with everything except the patty, a small strawberry milkshake without whip cream, a plate of fries, and a sauerkraut hot dog.

Who orders a burger and not the patty? That's basically a salad with bread. I thought to myself. I forced a smile as I walked over to the table. A girl that looked about 10 with blonde pigtails and her father sat at table 4. She smiled and clapped her hands when she saw me coming.

"Here you are!" I said. The girl laughed at me and said, "You sound like a pirate!" And she giggled some more.

"Beverly, be nice," her father scolded. I, however, grinned. I squeezed one eye closed and pretended my hand was a hook. As I set their food down on the table I said, "Yar! Here be ye burger and hot dog. Ye better eat up to become a strong pirate like me, or I'll make ye walk the plank! Yo ho ho!"

Beverly laughed and clapped her hands. I turned to an invisible bird on my shoulder, "Isn't that right, Polly?" I sqawked and said, "Polly wants a cracker!" I then folded my arms under my armpits and pretended to be a bird.

I felt the eyes of all the people in the small café turn to watch me, including the head-chef Suzy. Honestly, I didn't mind.

The girl laughed and clapped even harder. Her father even smiled a bit. I returned back to my normal stance, smiling for real this time and half-laughing. "You two enjoy your food, and let me know if you need anything else," I waved at them, and returned to my job.

Suzy had seen the whole ordeal. "Sean, what was that display back there?" The chef said sternly. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"She, um...she said I sounded like a pirate. So I kinda...I kinda ran with it," I said, my voice shaking just barely. Suzy was known to be a stern boss. It was just her and her family that ran the Other Side Café. She didn't often ask strangers for help, but since her oldest daughter had just recently gone off to college, she badly needed some extra hands on deck. So I applied for the job, and it was a miracle I got it. To my knowledge, she turned down everyone except me. She said I had "charm".

She paused for a bit, narrowing her eyes at me through the window that connected the kitchen to the dining part of the café. A small smile formed on her face. "Well done, kid. Taking advantage of that accent of yours was real smart. I bet you'll be getting a nice tip from that guy," she said.

I smiled widely. In the two months that I've worked her, I have never made Suzy smile. "Thanks," I said gratefully. Achievement Unlocked: Impressed Your Stern Boss.

Suzy nodded silently, hardly smiling now, and went back to cooking. I heard the bell ring above the entrance and a young couple walked in. I walked over to greet them.

"Hello, and welcome to the Other Side Café and Bar. I'm Sean, and I'll be your server today," I said with a smile. The woman smiled back. "Hello. Um, table for two please?" She said.

"Right this way," I replied and I led them passed the girl and her father to a table by the window. The two sat down. They looked to be in their teens. This won't last long, I thought to myself. I know from experience that high school relationships never-

DING! Suzy rang the Order Up bell. God damnit Suzy, you interrupted my private PSA! "Okay, here's the menu, and I'll be back to take your order shortly." I told them, placing the small menus infront of them.

I walked over to the kitchen window. "Table 15," Suzy said, not looking up from her cooking. I nodded, picking up the black serving tray.

A few months ago, I was evicted from my apartment in Ireland. I was very behind on my rent. Like, extremely behind. Unfortunately, YouTube wasn't paying as well as I'd hoped. My parents wouldn't let me me move back in with them. They told me to find a better job. Thankfully, they lent me some money to get myself started. I guess they took pity on their "Internet-Famous son".

So, I packed my things and used that and what little bit of money I had left to fly to the United States of America. I found an affordable apartment in Los Angeles, California, and I figured it'd be easier to find a job. Not only that, but I'd be closer to other YouTubers so I could do collabs more often. And I was sick and tired of that god damn Ireland rain!

I'm still making YouTube videos, of course. I'd never stop doing what I love. I still post two videos a day, except on weekends when I'm only able to post one.

"Here you are sir," I said, setting down the BLT and fries on table #15. "Please let me know if you need anything else," I said. As I turned to go check up on other customers, I heard the man say, "Thanks, Jack,"

I stopped dead in my tracks. How did this guy know my name? I don't remember taking his order or even seating him at that table. Did I even see him walk in? I checked my name tag and, sure enough, it said Sean. Only my friends call me Jack. How could he have known? It's likely that he just recognized me from YouTube. But then again, he wasn't acting like any fan I've met before. They normal point out that it's me and ask for a picture or an autograph. And I hardly ever see fans eating at this place. And the way this guy said my had a ton of affection and familiarity. Like we'd been friends for years. In fact, that deep voice of his sounded really familiar.

I turned slowly, just to confirm my suspicion. And there, sitting alone at table number 15 was the same exact person I thought it was.

Table 15Where stories live. Discover now