Science fiction. The dark

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Science fiction. The dark

They have been traversing through the multiverse for many years now, and it seems they have got lost in the multiverse. Where every new opening leads to another multiverse and the loop continues on and on. The crew members of the spaceship, "EUSAIND" have been trapped here for long. And the population of only surviving humans on board the spaceship is beginning to worry that it might be the end of the human species. Because the multiverse is unwilling to release them from its never ending loops.

It all happened on that fateful morning, when everything appeared so pleasant and beautiful. And the EarthAs clan members decided it was time to travel to the new planet that could support human life. Because EarthAs planet was dying and it had only a few hundred years left before it would turn into a cold and dark planet that no longer supported life.

It's only star, its provider of life, was becoming devoid of its own life supporting gases. This left the EarthAS clan members with only one option. To travel to the new planet.

The EarthAs clan had been preparing for this mass exodus for almost 5 decades now. And it had built a state of the art space ship that could transfer all clan members to the new planet in 5 round trips between the EarthAs planet and the new planet spotted by them.

Their community of scientists had proposed the morning of June 15, 2075, as the appropriate date to embark on this voyage. As planned the first batch of EarthAs clan members boarded the space ship, and in the midst of lot of fanfare they left the planet and traveled towards the new planet that they named, "TriHope."

TriHope is nestled in a galaxy that is 200 light years away from their galaxy. Given their existing technology and their mapping of the known universe, along with gravitational and other forces. It should take them 5 years to reach there. And they have the necessary provisions to sustain the entire population onboard the EUSAIND for 40 years.

They have taken food generation and organic food culturing to a completely different level. Where vegetable gardens are no longer the need, but just few genetic codes and the base cell, to print these gene sequences on.

They grow this food in food culture pods, where they can replicate anything with exact nutritive value, taste and physical shape, as desired by an individual.

However, this has not been easy. They had to introduce 3 generations of 500 volunteers from their clan to these genetically grown foods on their planet, and study their physiological and other changes. Modify the foods accordingly. In this study where 500 volunteers were monitored. It included their children, and their grandchildren. Because genetic mutations become weaker from third generation onwards. Meaning, the grand, grand fathers traits will be less dominant, except few strong traits, which can be attributed to genes with ability to dominate every mutation. Almost like green eyes and turquoise blue eyes. Although, there are few exceptions to this rule, because suppressed genes can get activated in the grand, grand child as well.

They monitored their bodies' interactions and reactions towards these cultured foods. And in the third generation of these volunteers they found that their bodies and brains had perfectly adapted to these foods and none of them showed any signs of weakness or underdevelopment and growth of tissues, muscles, cells etc.

A perfect future race of EarthAs clan ready to claim the new planet, TriHope. Everything appeared to be perfect and their spaceship was cruising through space at a very high speed. But not faster than light.

Their smart Universe Plotter enables the space ship to reduce the journey of many light years significantly. Because across the Universe, there are only few forces at work, and these forces are constant across the cosmos. The genius of EarthAs clan lies in determining the variables of these forces spread across the universe. Once it has been determined one can travel easily from point A in the universe to point B. If they are 1000 light years away, the smart plotter can complete this journey in a couple of light years.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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