Memories from a distant past (1)

44 4 2

[Age 12]

I felt my feet drag against the ground. Should I really be heading back home? I know I promised Sinbad I would take care of his mother while he was dungeon diving, but should I do that?

I had already made enough money so that we can have medicine for at least 2 more months.

"You seemed to have a lot on your mind" I froze when I felt the rukh fluttering around me. Looking up, I was met with a smiling Yunan.

"I thought you left" I stated in confusion.

Yunan shrugged, "are you curious about the dungeon and what Sinbad is doing inside"

"Obviously he's fighting those dungeon creatures and then eventually he'll be named a king and have a metal vessel" I shrugged my shoulder in a matter-of-fact way.

Yunan seemed to widen his eyes, "how do you know about metal vessels and king candidates?"

I froze... I've been in this work for about 9 years now and ended up forgetting Baal's dungeon was the first dungeon and before that there really was not much information about what was in the dungeon.

"I... I heard it when I was younger from a traveler" I tried to lie, which caused Yunan to narrow his eyes in suspicion.

Just then I saw a silhouette of a woman walking towards the dungeon Sinbad has just gone into. I glanced at Yunan but he seemed to be lost in thought. It was now or never!

I started to dash after the silhouette of the woman and shouted, "Please take care of Sinbad's mother! I need to protect her son!" Without even looking back to see what Yunan would say I ran after the silhouette into the dungeon.

I gasped when I felt myself being sucked into the dungeon. It was like I was falling into an abyss. It seemed like an eternity had passed before I saw a glimmer of light that slowly became bigger and brighter.

The next thing I know, I fell hard on my butt in a blanket of dust. I started to cough and as the dust cleared I noticed I was all alone in an unfamiliar desolate place.

If I remembered correctly, there was supposed to be dragons flying around and I was supposed to somehow see Sinbad and Drakon fighting them together. Just what was going on? Why was I all alone on some path covered in dirt as far as the eye can see?

Just then I heard a ruffling sound nearby. I turned towards the sound and noticed a baby dragon walking towards me. Being the animal lover I was I knelt down and offered it my hand. The dragon was hesitant for a moment, but decided to trust me.

I chuckled as the dragon started to lick my hand. It's tongue was oddly smooth and rough at the same time. I rummaged in my pockets and pulled out a bun I had saved to eat and handed it to the baby dragon who began nibble at it.

I was having so much fun playing with the baby dragon that I didn't even know we ended up in front of a large intricately designed doorway. Was this the door to the chamber were Baal was?

Without thinking too much, I placed my hand on the door and it slowly began to open. Smoke surrounded me causing me to shut my eyes. Once I reopened them I found myself in some kind of treasure room. There were lots of chests and other treasures.

"Hello? Baal? I'm sorry to disturb you, I'm not a king candidate or something like that. I just wanted to ask if you've seen my friend Sinbad and some other guy named Dragon- Ah I mean Drakon... I think that's his name" I tried waiting for a response, but I heard nothing.

Just then I noticed a lamp on top of a double staircase. Realizing it was probably where Baal was, I rushed toward it and touched it. There was a poof and Baal appeared. I nervously chuckled and waved towards the confused Djinn.

"Are you my king?" He asked clearly perplexed as to why some random kid was waving at him.

"Um... no... I was looking for my friend Sinbad and wondered if he had arrived yet?" I chuckled nervously hoping Baal wouldn't electrocute me.

"You do not wish to be king?" He asked lowering is head to my level.

"No... I kind of don't have what it takes and I know that Sinbad will make a better king than I!" I replied as I unconsciously picked up a bracelet with a dragon etched on it, "Hey Baal, can I keep this?"

Baal nodded his head, "You may keep it, but I'm afraid no one by the name of Sinbad has entered my dungeon. If you did not know, time works differently here"

Just then I heard a commotion outside followed by a loud bang. I gasped when I saw a large dragon appearing through the debris of what used to be the magnificent doors.

Spotting me, the dragon rushed towards me. In fear I closed my eyes, only to feel some warm saliva on me. Once I reopened my eyes I noticed the dragon gazing at me with friendly eyes.

"Didn't I tell you that time works differently here. This happens to be the baby dragon you had met" Baal chuckled as I looked upon him in confusion. Could time really be that messed up here? Just what was going on and where was Sinbad?

As I reached up to pet the dragon, I felt a gush of wind surround us blinding me momentarily. Once my eyes had readjusted I noticed the dragon was nowhere in sight.

"I have neglected to inform you that bracelet has the ability to summon dragons at will once you establish trust with them. That dragon will protect you when you need him the most" Baal stated as he magically fixed the doors the dragon had broken.

"You are welcome to wait for your friend here, but I believe it would be better if you go out and look for him. That bracelet will protect you since the baby dragon you made friends with was the King of Dragons. Do not worry about feeding him, he will live off of your magoi, but since time and space affect him differently when he is in the bracelet you won't need to supply him with too much magoi" with saying that Baal reopened the doors he had managed to swiftly fix.

I waved at Baal and left through the door and suddenly found myself outside the dungeon. I gasped when I found Yunan and Sinbad in front of me. Just what was going on? One minute I was inside the dungeon with no one in sight besides Baal and the dragon and next thing I know I'm outside with Sinbad, Yunan, and I think Dragon (who obviously didn't know I was here).

Just then Yunan seemed to notice my presence and widened his eyes, "Where have you been all this time"

I nervously chuckled, "I tried to look for you and Sinbad, but ended up getting lost"

"You did what?!" Sinbad shouted, but suddenly we found ourselves surrounded by the military. Their menacing glares seemed to make me shrink back. Just how were were going to make it out of this mess. It was three against a hundred well trained men!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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