A canterlot princess

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As I walk through my New castle I see my sister in her bedroom just as I leave I hear noise it the  princess at the door "music dream ponyville is have a changeling attack"
"Oh my melody it seems we have a job to do" as I stumble into ponyville I'm bombarded by changing but me and my sister fight them head on I use the power of music but the changelings fight back so I retreat back to my castle
"Are you ok sister" I ask
"Yea but my wing hurts" she replies weakly
"Oh LUNA CELESTA TWILIGHT" I shouted nervously they came and we went to aid my sister "will she be ok" I asked Luna
"She'll be fine dreamie. Dreamie is a nickname for informal talks and everyday life.
So what are we going to do about the att-she was cut of by the door bursting  down and a swarm of changelings burst  in. So this time me Luna celestia twilight and cadance fight with all our might. And we win this is a great victory but one changing got away

Is the truly the end?

Sorry it is so short I'm having trouble finding inspiration sorry
Hope to write more next time guys!! :)

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