Skullkidode: How do I make a fictional character real?

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Ms. BooBoo: ._.

Death Raptor.EXE: Um...

Ms. BooBoo: IDK

Lisa: Well, maybe I can answer this question.

Ms. BooBoo: Lisa?! 1. How did you get here? 2. Your not supposed to answering questions, I am!

Lisa: But you don't have an answer. I might as well answer for you. >:3

Ms. BooBoo: Fine...BUT JUST THIS ONCE!!!

Lisa: Okay. Technically, they were already real to begin with!

Ms. BooBoo and Death Raptor.EXE: ?!

Lisa: Just hear me out. They are real cause they are the imagination of the person who created them.

Death Raptor.EXE: ...I never thought about it that way.

Ms. BooBoo: (sighs) Lisa thinks she's so great...

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