Chapter 4: (A little test)

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3rd Pov:

It has been a day now and the newly resident Tyrannosuchus has been rather lazy, it has never felt this relaxed before and has been enjoying it ever since. But that didn't stop it from trying to find a way out of it's pen, most of the time the park staff would noticed it trying to reach the top of the wall by either jumping or climbing on the wall, it was an amazing sight for the scientist that were studying it seeing how intelligent the Tyrannosuchus was, but they ultimately decided they've seen enough and forced the beast back down to it's pen.

The Tyrannosuchus is seen laying down submerged in it's lake sunbathing underneath the water with it's mouth open wide on the surface as bird's pecked at the scrap's on it's massive jaw's.

It's eye's open and looks around it's pen trying to spot anything interesting, but there was nothing.

Or so it thought....

Just as it was about to go back to sleep it heard alarm's never the gate it entered when it first arrived here, the Tyrannosuchus perks it's head up and scan's the area and see's the gate to it's paddock slowly opening.

It got up and slowly makes it's way forward while trying to minimize it's chance of being spotted, but it soon came to halt as it smelled something.

It smelled another animal, another dinosaur. A dinosaur it's familiar of.

It slowly creeps it's way and hide's under a large bush waiting to see what might come out as it noticed a container blocking the way. Meanwhile above the paddock on the stairway many guard's and staff members are seen aiming there tranq and stun gun at the predator meanwhile a few scientist along with Dr.Wu watches the scene unfold bellow.




The Tyrannosuchus heard a Dinosaur's heavy footsteps making it's way towards it's enclosure, soon it see's the Dino's massive robust head and it's bone crushing teeth, along with it's small two pare of short arm's. The dinosaur was brown in color and stood tall as it looks around the paddock anxiously.

It was Rexy the Tyrannosaur Rex, Queen of Isla Nublar.

The old rex scan's the area looking for any threat's that could be nearby, it takes a few steps forward and walks in the forest curiously as it continues to look around the forest a bit confused on why it was moved to a new enclosure

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The old rex scan's the area looking for any threat's that could be nearby, it takes a few steps forward and walks in the forest curiously as it continues to look around the forest a bit confused on why it was moved to a new enclosure.

But it soon heard something moving fast behind it, Rexy turns her head around only to find nothing. It growl's threateningly as it continues onward, meanwhile above the railings everyone where left stunned as they just witnessed the Tyrannosuchus dash so fast behind the Rex that it didn't even see it.

Dr.Wu: "It's even faster than we predicted." He muttered astounded by what he and the other's saw.

Rexy soon finds herself in the area where the guest can see watch her or anything else eat their prey, but there was no goat, and thankfully she just ate a whole cow earlier. She looks around the area trying to find anything but only spot's the small lake and goes to take a sip, but just as she was about to drink she hears tree branches snapping in the distance causing her to look up and scan the area, she hears another snapping sound and see's something big and gray moving towards her. She let's out a low threatening growl trying to intimidated the creature that's getting nearer, she then see's the creature pushing the branches and bushes aside and was shocked to see the Tyrannosuchus in all it's glory.

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