Chapter 3: A New Friendship, An Unchanged Heart

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As the weeks passed, Celestial found herself spending more time with Oliver. They shared lunches, studied together, and discovered a shared love for art and music. Their friendship blossomed, offering Celestial a much-needed distraction from the ongoing tension with Amelia.

Amelia's jealousy had only intensified with Celestial's newfound popularity and friendship with Oliver. The once warm friendship between the girls had turned frosty, causing a rift in their social circle.

William, caught between his girlfriend and his friend, was torn. He tried to mediate the situation, but his attempts only seemed to fuel the fire. He was at a loss, unsure of how to mend the growing divide.

One day, while studying in the library with Oliver, Celestial found herself opening up about her feelings. She shared her confusion, her hurt, and her unrequited love for William.

Oliver listened attentively, offering words of comfort and understanding. He didn't judge or dismiss her feelings. Instead, he offered a shoulder to lean on, a friend to confide in.

"Celestial, you're a wonderful person. William is lucky to have you as a friend."

Despite her growing friendship with Oliver, Celestial's feelings for William remained unchanged. She still loved him, still longed for him. But she also understood that she needed to respect his relationship with Amelia.

As the days turned into weeks, Celestial found solace in her friendship with Oliver. She continued to navigate through her feelings for William, her friendship with Oliver providing a comforting presence in her life.

As the senior year progressed, the tension between William and Amelia reached a breaking point. Their once harmonious relationship was now filled with arguments and disagreements, largely stemming from Amelia's jealousy and treatment of Celestial.

One day, after another heated argument, William decided that enough was enough. He loved Amelia, but he couldn't stand by and watch as she continued to treat Celestial poorly.

"Amelia, we need to talk. I can't continue like this."

Amelia, taken aback by William's seriousness, listened as he expressed his concerns. He talked about her behavior towards Celestial, about the constant arguments, and about how he felt their relationship had changed.

"Amelia, I think we need to take a break. We're not the same people we were when we started dating, and I don't like the way things are going."

Amelia, shocked and hurt, disagreed with William. She didn't want to break up, she didn't want to lose him. But William was firm in his decision. He believed a break was necessary, for both of them to reflect on their relationship and their actions.

News of William and Amelia's break spread through Starlight High. Students were shocked, unable to believe that the couple they had admired for years was no more.

Celestial, upon hearing the news, felt a mix of emotions. She was concerned for William, but a part of her couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. She still loved William, and with Amelia out of the picture, she wondered if she finally had a chance with him.

After hearing about William and Amelia's break, Celestial felt a surge of courage. She decided to write a letter to William, confessing her feelings for him. She poured her heart into the letter, expressing her love that had remained hidden for so long.

With a pounding heart, she dropped the letter into William's locker, hoping that he would understand her feelings. She didn't expect him to reciprocate her love immediately, but she wanted him to know how much she cared for him.

Meanwhile, Oliver had been grappling with his own feelings. He had grown to like Celestial, her kindness and authenticity capturing his heart. He decided to confess his feelings to her, hoping that she might feel the same way.

"Celestial, I need to tell you something. I like you, more than just a friend."

Celestial was taken aback by Oliver's confession. She cared for Oliver, but her heart belonged to William. She appreciated Oliver's honesty, but she had to be honest with him too.

"Oliver, I'm really sorry. You're a great friend, and I care about you, but I can't return your feelings. I'm in love with someone else."

Oliver was disappointed, but he respected Celestial's feelings. He appreciated her honesty and decided to remain friends with her, valuing their friendship above all else.

The day after Celestial dropped the letter into William's locker, he found it. The sight of his name, written in Celestial's familiar handwriting, piqued his curiosity. He carefully unfolded the letter and began to read.

As William read Celestial's heartfelt words, he was taken aback. He had always seen Celestial as a friend, a constant in his life. But he had never considered the possibility that her feelings for him ran deeper.

He read about her love for him, her admiration, and her longing. He read about her silent support, her hidden tears, and her enduring affection. As he absorbed her words, he found himself questioning his own feelings.

Meanwhile, Oliver watched from afar, his heart heavy. He had hoped that Celestial would return his feelings, but he knew now that her heart belonged to William. It was a painful realization, but he accepted it.

Despite his heartbreak, Oliver didn't hold any resentment towards Celestial. He still cared for her, still valued their friendship. He decided to be there for her, to support her, even if it meant watching her love someone else.

As the day ended, William found himself lost in thought. Celestial's letter had stirred up feelings he hadn't realized he had. He wasn't sure what to do, but he knew he couldn't ignore what he had learned.

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