in the kitchen
As you put milk to a boil
You order me to keep an eye on it
You bring chai-patti from a cupboard
sugar from another
cinnamon and elaichi and gingerPut all of it together as if a supernova about to happen
Forming a nebula as the milk puts on a colour deep brown soothing out of tea leaves
You put the heat on medium and look at me
As amazed as i am,i knew there was no need to beBut you, you knew this was our time
Time to talk our hearts and our minds
You told me about the pitty neighbour childless as she was but independentI could see in you eyes even though you chattered about her childlessness as a label of dishonour , you were jealous of her independence
The tea was ready as i served it in two cups one for you another for me
I knew this was our time to talk our hearts and our minds , and so i did
I told you about the boy in my class how badly he would behave with us
And how he helped me with my economics homework
But you could see beyond my chatter
You could see my childlike eyes glitter with hope and excitement
You could see how naive and confused i wasAs we got done with our evening i got back to my room and you stayed there
I got my hands on my school work as you got yours on your daily chores
Waiting for tomorrow to bring another evening .