Chapter Twenty Eight

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The youth walked by the river and paused to enjoy the view over the water out towards the woodlands beyond. He saw the son of the neighbouring lord out walking, followed by a young woman and a girl,  but they turned away before they reached him. He blinked, a sense of wrongness in the moment. When his eyes closed he briefly saw a girl with auburn hair falling into the river, but when he opened them she was not there. Shaking his head, bemused by his mind playing tricks on him he carried on his way, never knowing he was watched by green eyes filled with love.

Years passed and the youth became a young man. He was walking hand in hand with a lady, slightly his senior, but beautiful and kind. They were talking and the lady looked at him with adoring eyes. Though he didn't love her, he was content. Time shifted and they were by the river, seated on a rug, with children surrounding them, a happy family.

She watched and sighed sadly. A gentle hand landed on her shoulder.

"You are unhappy, daughter," said a deep voice. She half turned and smiled sadly up at her father, gesturing at the happy family.

"How can I be unhappy when he is restored, Father? He was never mine to take." She turned from the scene, her heart breaking. But he was whole, the love of her life was whole and would never be cursed with being Hitman for all eternity. Their world would be safe. She had known she must make a sacrifice to repair her world and this was the price she had to pay. Reaper watched as she walked away, her head bowed and sighed. Persephone appeared behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder and kissing his cheek.

"She will be well again, my love," she said, softly. He shook his head.

"Her pain is too great. I have caused this."

"Her love for him caused it. Now she might be free." Persephone had often seen her daughter watch the young man, puzzled by her seeming attachment and in the end Reaper had told her what their daughter had done; what she had sacrificed.

Reaper observed his daughter go to the window, sit on the seat there and look out over the grounds of his gardens, her hand rested on the head of her hound and his heart broke within him. Their world was safe but he knew it had utterly destroyed his daughter.

Hope closed her eyes, seeing him one more time in her mind, his chocolate eyes smiling at her as he kissed her lips tenderly. Perhaps the memories she kept would be enough. A small smile danced on her face as she entered her dreams where Bret always waited. Watching her for a moment Reaper sighed and made his decision.

"You paid the price child, one thousand lives and deaths. I now gift you with one more life to live, but this time you will be entirely Human." He kissed her cheek and watched as she faded from his sight. Persephone stared as her daughter faded and gave a cry of shock, but Reaper stopped her from following. "We have our love, Persephone. I took you from your mother and now he must take your daughter from you."

"But you have made her Human. What if she can never return to us?"

"But what if she is happy?" he countered and she swallowed her tears; she had no argument for this because she knew how desperately unhappy their daughter had been and now maybe that could change.


The girl looked about herself as she hurried across the campus to her next class. She was taking a degree in Greek Mythology having always had an interest in all things mythological and historical. Suddenly though she walked into a wall of solid flesh and stumbled, before a strong hand caught hers and pulled her upright.

"You ok there?" She looked up to see a pair of chocolate eyes looking down at her, crinkled with amusement. Her breath caught and as he looked at her she saw something shift in his gaze. "Do I know you?" She stared at him wordlessly and he laughed. "Sorry that was about the worst chat up line ever. Right up there with do you come here often?" A giggle escaped her lips and he smiled, realising he was still holding her hand but not quite ready to let go just yet.

"I'm Hope," she said. "Hope Black."

"I'm Bret," he said. "Nice to meet you. You're taking the mythology course right?"

"Yes," she agreed and he grinned.

"Me too. I just switched courses. I've always been fascinated by mythology and especially anything relating to death rituals and beliefs... shit that makes me sound really morbid. I promise I'm not."

"Oh it's ok, me too," she said. He grinned and just at the moment the sun came out, shining down on them. Bret reached into his pocket and took out a pink visor which he slipped over his eyes and she swallowed hard. "What's that?" she asked. Bret grinned.

"It's real special. When I wear it it tells me everything I need to know." She stared at him wide eyed. "I'm kidding. Just keeps the sun out of my eyes. They sell them on campus and they're great, especially if you're doing sports. I like hockey and wrestling... not much call for a visor in wrestling though to be fair."

She laughed and they fell into step together as they headed to their lecture. Bret suddenly reached across and took her hand, but she didn't object. Somehow it just felt right; they both felt as if they'd known each other for at least a thousand lifetimes; maybe even a thousand and one.

"Hey Hitman, whose the girl?" called a voice and Hope stiffened slightly. Bret though laughed.

"Sorry, just my nickname on the hockey team because I'm a pretty good shot. He doesn't mean anything by it. I'm not a literal hitman ; I'd not be able track people down and hurt them. My mom would kill me for a start."

Hope sighed, happiness coursing through her as she looked up at him. This happy, relaxed young man with a life ahead of him which she knew already would be a good life just looking at him. And this time maybe, just maybe, she could have her happy ending too.

"Hope I know we've just met, but could I maybe take you for a drink after class?" he suddenly asked and she beamed.

"I'd love that," she said and he grinned.

"Reckon you walking into me was fate," he said and she nodded.

"Yes I think it was," she said softly.

Later they sat in the bar, drinking and talking and laughing, watched by a couple who sat in the shadows, their green eyes looking on with a sense of joy and pride. Persephone nudged Reaper.

"You did good this time," she said and he smiled down at her.

"If the Reaper can have love everyone deserves it," he replied, but then pulled a face as Bret leaned towards his daughter. "Though I feel that might be our cue to leave."

Persephone laughed, but allowed him to pull her up as Bret gently took Hope in his arms and kissed her. Neither were tied to Limbo any more and this time their love would not cause any damage to their world. They were both Human, no longer the Daughter of Death or Death's Hitman.

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