Tessa James Winchester.

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Tessa is sometimes interested in the occult (there are occult things in her room). Her parents punished her again and locked her in a room with Jay and Sin (Episode 5 canon). Tessa is bored and decides to become an occultist. And then something went wrong, Tessa was sucked into the portal. Jay and Sin could not hold her (the portal is very powerful). Tessa is gone, only her parents remain. Sin and Jay find N and V and tell them what happened. They are shocked that Tessa is missing. Sin suggests trying to somehow open the portal and then get Tessa out of there. All the drones agree and begin to carry out this plan.

Meanwhile, Tessa ended up in some house in the middle of the forest (sorry, I forgot where Bobby's house is). She is confused and tries to figure out where she was taken. Bobby and Dean then leave the house. They don't understand what a 13-year-old girl is doing alone in the middle of such a desert. At first they mistake her for one of the monsters (demon, angel, etc.). She is brought to a house where they test whether she is a monster. Their tests showed that she was an ordinary person. Then they ask her what she is doing in such a wilderness. Tessa tells how she came into this world and that she wants to return home as soon as possible. Bobby and Dean promise to help her return home (in this matter, ordinary people are unlikely to be able to help Tessa, so the Winchesters, who know mysticism, will have to take on this)

Soon after a mission to destroy the vampires terrorizing the village, Cas, Sam and Jack returned to the house. Dean and Bobby tell them from the door about Tessa and her situation. Cas, Sam and Jack also agree to help the girl. However, the question arises where she should live. The whole team decides that Tessa will live with them, but mainly with Bobby (he practically does not go hunting, so the risk of meeting evil spirits is low). They also decide to teach her how to fight evil spirits so that if something happens, she can protect herself. And now time passes, she has already learned to fight and hunt evil spirits. Now she helps the Winchesters in their hunt. Also during this time, she became close to the Winchesters and practically became their daughter. She became Jack and Casu's sister as a niece. Now they call her Tessa Winchester. Everyone thinks she's the Winchester's daughter. Tessa loves spending time with her new family, but she still misses her old home, especially the four drones: Jay, N, V, Sin. And finally she meets them. They fell into the portal and found themselves in the same place where Tessa found herself the first time. Tessa and the drones are happy to meet. The drones take Tessa's hand and tell her to come home with them. However, Tessa refuses to return, she explains to them that she has a loving family here, much better than her real parents, she is happy here. She's a Winchester now, and the name Elliot means nothing to her anymore. Tessa persuades the Drones to stay with her in this world, because for complete happiness she needs only them. The drones agree, because this is what Tessa wanted, and she doesn't want to return to her cruel parents, Tessa is here, with them, what else do our drones need to be happy.

So Tessa got a big happy family: Bobb, Cas, Sam, Dean, Jack, Jay, N, Sin and Vee.

Now they are fighting evil spirits together.

! Additional description for authors (spoiler)!

1) The Winchesters talked to Tessa about her family. From which they learned that Tessa's parents were terrible people who tortured Tessa. However, Tessa herself denied this; she did not understand what her parents had cruelly done (she had psychological trauma). Soon Dean, Cas, Sam and Jack were doing therapy with her (helping her realize that her parents were abusive to her and that nothing they did was healthy parenting).

2) N, V, Jay and Sin, after many years, were still able to open the portal and find Tessa.

3) during Tessa's absence, the drones escaped from the mansion, taking with them her things for the occult ritual and other things. They settled in an abandoned house (they are drones and do not need food, warmth, etc.).

4) Tessa managed to meet Crowley during her stay with the Winchesters. He and Crowley became friends. So Crowley is officially her friend who will help her if anything happens.

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