Training Finished....Now Time for Pain

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3rd Pov

It's been almost eight months since the training of Daichi as he was trained by seig in more of the physical training, trained by a gunsmith by the name of Tanya an crazy person who was good in long distance and short distance gunfight. As of now he is being trained by Tanya who had a hand cannon in his hand that she scold Daichi to create by hand and the material that she given him.

 As of now he is being trained by Tanya who had a hand cannon in his hand that she scold Daichi to create by hand and the material that she given him

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Tanya: *looks at the weapon* Hm, say brat you actually made a good hand cannon for once since I started training you.

Tanya: *looks at the weapon* Hm, say brat you actually made a good hand cannon for once since I started training you

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Daichi: Jeez, thanks. It's a two burst hand cannon.

Tanya: *looks at him* Why two burst?

Daichi: Have you ever seen an two burst hand cannon before?

Tanya: .....No I haven't until is getting more and more unpredictable brat.

Daichi: I have a name you know...

Tanya: Oh I know but I'm not calling you by your name. Now, last teaching lesson I want you to kill fifty dummies in the next five minutes.

She then throw Daichi his gun which he called it Warden's Law he soon reloaded the gun and watch the dummies to come up as Tanya had a stop watch and looked at him.

Tanya: And begin....NOW!

Daichi soon started running towards the dummies and started firing at the dummies taking out a couple of them. He kept on firing at some before reloading and he slammed his gun into a dummy and toss it into a couple and fired at them, as he was firing his gun he took notice that he was taking them all down as he notice the last one as he throws his gun at the dummy causing it to fall on the ground as his gun was in the air he jumped up in the air grabbing the gun and firing his last two bullets into the dummy's head making it explode as he landed back onto the ground and looks at Tanya with a smirk.

Daichi: Time?

Tanya: You improved since last month. Two minutes left.

Daichi: Hehe. So training is over?

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