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You and Chris aren't together in this imagine yet

{ your pov }

I was currently getting ready for my best friends birthday party. I was on my make up when my boyfriend Hayden walked in (random name).

"What are you getting ready for?"

"I have a birthday party I'm going to"

I had said turning to look at him.

"Oh yea I forgot you had that today I thought it was tomorrow"

"By the way I won't be back until tomorrow"

I said while pointing my finger at him

"That's fine, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning then. Your going to Kylie's house, right?"


I said while turning around to finish up what I was doing. After about 10 minutes I finished. I then walked out of the bathroom and put my shoes on. Kylie then texted after 8 minutes saying that she was here.

"Okay, I'm leaving"


Hayden had said while he was on the phone with his mom. I then walked down and hopped into her car. She then drove off to her house as we started to catch up. Once we got to her the party started.

As I was walking around I see Chris. I then started at him for a second. The only reason I'm dating Hayden is because I didn't think Chris would like me.

{ skip to after the party cuz I'm lazy to write the whole party out }

I woke up the next morning to me in bed and I felt someone next me. So I sit up and look next to me see Chris. I then jumped out of bed causing Chris to wake up as well. He then rubbed his eyes then opened them to see me.

"Why was we in bed together?"

He then shook his head

"Man, I don't fucking know"

I then sat back down on the bed. After a couple minutes of silence Chris spoke up.

"You know I like you, I never wanted to say it but seeing you with Hayden. I don't know I felt like I haven't been the same"

I then looked at him and grabbed his hand

"I like you too, I'm dating Hayden because I didn't know that you liked me  as well"

I said while looking up at him half way through. I then heard someone walking down the hallway and I could easily recognize it as Hayden.

"You need to hide Hayden is here"

I whispered and pulled away from Chris. Chris then jumped out the bed grabbing everything of his and hid in the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. He kept the light off.

Hayden then knocked on the door. I then walked over to the door opening it.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, hold on"

I said while shutting the door and walked over to the bathroom door. I then opened it to see Chris sitting on the counter. He then hopped down and pulled me into a hug.

"Promise me you'll break up with him soon"

Chris said while whispering

"I will"

I whispered back and I then pulled away, I shut the bathroom door . I then walked over and grabbed my shoes and jacket, I then opened the bedroom walking out with Hayden.
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