Moving in

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Here it was our house our home Remus and I's it was so nice. It was a little two bedroom cottage in the small countie of Berkshire. It was lovely trees surrounded it a tudor style house that was what it was. We enjoyed it thought it was a delight for us.

"Well how are we liking the cottage," I say after a week of moving in. Us being us still haven't finished unpacking. "It's actually really nice apart from all the boxes," Remus groans. I laugh a bit and suggest something that may help. "We could try to unpack," I suggest.
"That would be a normal thing to do," he says laughing his laugh always caused me to laugh too. "I guess we'll have to be normal," I say. He laughs and nods. "Maybe we will," he says.

I start to walk away though he castes me to him in his arms and starts to ball room dance with me across the empty kitchen floor. "This is nice," Remus says and I nod my head in agreement. "Sing something for me you've got a really good voice," he reassures me. I huff slightly but know I have to apply. I heard this song on the muggle radio a few days ago whilest in London. "I know it might be crazy but did you hear the story. I think I heard it vaguely. A girl and a wearwolf. Alright I'm not singing any more I sound horrible," I say. "You don't just embarrassed is all," he says witch is true.

I go over to sit on the sofa and just lie my head on Remus' lap. "This is what I want," I say to him and he nods. "I agree peaceful afternoon," he says.
"But we have to unpack," I say and he nods. Do you want to go up stairs perhaps and finish the bedroom we only have a few boxes there," I suggested and he nods.

Now unpacking may seem boring but we aren't normal people so we had to find a way to make it fun. So like what any strange people would do we rapped what we were putting away. It was chaos.

"Well I think that's are room done," Remus says and I nod. "Did you enjoy the rapping?" I asked and he nodded.
"It was interesting," he says.
"Well I am interesting," I say and he nods. Remus kisses my head and whispered in my ear suductivly, "you are." I blushed at this. I know I am turning 19 soon and we've been dating for a long time though I still blush at the sudden contact.

After that Remus prosced to tease me by how much I was blushing. Then he decided to save his life by making some dinner. He made pasta and it was amazing. "Are you going to be doing the cooking from now on?" I ask and he nods his head.
"I'll be you're sexy house husband," he says. I laugh a bit. "I'll be you're working wife," I say and he laughs.
"When do you want to get married?" Remus asked.
"Maybe early 20s maybe?" I suggested. He nods.

The rest of that day was spent finishing the kitchen till it was finished. That lead us up to 3 in the morning. "So I have a new job offer I know we're going to start working for the order though ," he says. I nod my head. "What is it?" I ask him.
"I would work at a muggle primary school," he tells me and I nod.
"So you wouldn't work for the order?" I ask him. He nods his head. "I mean I could still go to meetings and stuff I just wouldn't be able to do missions," he tells me. I nod my head and kiss him. "Do that," I tell him.

I fall asleep peacefully in his arms that night thinking I have the most wonderful boyfriend ever. The year is 1993. Navy Black, Remus lupin and James Potter are all working at Hogwarts. These three were amazing at school together. They were the trubble makers James the ring leader though Remus and Navy the dream couple at Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry. Navy will be teaching astromany Remus will be teaching dada and James will be teaching flying... beep beep beep. My alarm clock went.

I turn it off and get out of bed Remus still resting bet he's faking so I have to make the tea. I brew the kettle and get out the mugs. Once the tea was done I was careful not to spill it and it some how it worked. I gently shook Remus awake. "I've made you tea darling," I say and put the tea and biscuit on his bedside table. "Thank you love," he says. I go round the bed and place my mug and biscuit there too. "Hug me I'm cold," I complain and he agrees hugging me giving me his warmth. "I had a weried dream last night," I say to him. "What was it?" Remus asked.
"Basically James, you and I all became teachers at Hogwarts," I say. He laughs a bit. "When would James willingly go back to school?" Remus asked.
"Well he taught flying," I say.
"What did I teach?" Remus asked.
"You taught Defence against the dark arts. I taught astromany," I say. He nods. "Well you did get an O," he says and I nodded. "That I did do."

That morning we went to go enlist in the order. But the place we chose to do this was mother dearest's house. Sirius inhearrted the house as Orion wrote the will before we became disasters and forgot to change it. I'm a little tense in here though I mean I was abused for 11 years of my life here and one summer. "Come on we can be quick," Remus reassures me. I nod my head. "And if you don't want to be here for all of the meeting I'm sure you can leave and I can tell you what happened in the meeting," Remus tells me and I nod and kiss his head. I love this man.

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