October 31st of 1981

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Things written like this are flashbacks

The Halloween decorations were up two weeks ago. However Remus is not a fan. "Should we really be spending a hundred pounds on Halloween decor?" He asked as he raped his arms around me. "Yes Remus yes we should," I say. He chuckles and kisses me. "Well I'm going to shower have fun," he says and leaves.

I start to dance to monster mash when I get a call from Lily. "Navy I have a bad felling about today. I don't know why but I just fell like you-know-who is going to attach," lily says into the phone. Rescentally James and Lily have been in hiding as there is a possibility of there being a prophecy that Harry or Neville have to distroy you-know-who. Do I think it's true... Maybe. "Okay Lily pack stuff for you, James and Harry to come round. I have a baby room set up for him already and there's also a spare room," I say.
"Thank you Navy," Lily says and hangs up.

I go upstairs to tell Remus what's happening but I see something else. "What the fuck are you doing," I say. Remus is in a wearwolf costume. "Dressing up for Halloween," Remus says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Okay?" I question he has gone mad. "Also James, Lily and Harry are staying the night. Lily has a bad feeling that something will happen. So later to night I'll be on the look out," I say to him. He nods his head looking upset that I'll be gone. "I'll be safe I promise," I say and kiss his head.

Lily, James and Harry arive about an hour later. I take Harry from Lily and start to rock him. "Wow no hello to me just straight to our child," James complains. I nod my head and blow raspberry's on Harry. "Who's adorable you are you are," I say in a baby voice. "Get one of you're own," James calls from his room.
"Me and Remus bang enough couldn't not do it for nine months," I call back.

Then Lily comes and sits down next to me. "Thank you for letting us stay I promise it'll be only for a night," she says.
"Lily it's fine as long as you're safe. More importantly as long as this one's safe can't have my nephew going missing can we now," I say. She laughs a bit and gives me a side hug. "You and Remus are a great auntie and uncle. Maybe spice some things up get a Harry of you're own," she says. "Perhaps. Who's you're secret keeper?" I ask her. I didn't know who I'm assuming Sirius though. "I can't say," she tells me I nod understanding.

Remus starts to prep dinner still in his wolf costume witch makes everyone chuckle. Lily was able to know of about Remus furry little problem and luckily she was okay with it , though I knew she would be. I smile at Remus as he cooks dinner I have no idea why but he does look rather attractive. "You liking the view?" James whispered in my ear. "Shut up," I say back in a normal voice.

After dinner I was wondering around Godric's Hollow until I saw him. Fear leaped across me as I met his stone cold eyes. "Stand back," I say to him.
"Well , well if it isn't Navy Lupin-Black. If you're anything like your cousin Bellatrix you must be able to put up you're self," his dark mystery voice said. It would be an understatement to say I was scared I was out right shitting myself. "Maybe I'm better than you. You never know unless we dule," I say. Now in my head at this current moment of time I'm thinking what the fuck is wrong with me.

He nods and continues saying, "very well. As a young lady I think you should know you're manners." I nod my head and walk back a step and he does the same. We bow our heads to show our non existent respect for eachother I mean this man is sick to the stumach. We shoot spells at each over him still not yet using the killing curse.

I can fell my magic being pulled out of me this is the most heated dule I believe I'll ever be in. I know I know my life may end tonight. I'll never get to see Remus, James, Sirius, Peter or Lily. I'd never get to see the kids grow up. I know one thing for sure I wouldn't be stopping any time soon I'm going to stop when I see him tumble.

I shoot more and more spells I didn't even know I was this powerful though I can see my self getting weaker though I can see you know who getting weaker by the spell. Then I see what I want to see him fall over his body lifeless I had defeated him along with myself. My knees buckle down until I'm lying flat my breathing steadying then my eyelids shut and I feel my muscles relax.

"Hey Remus," I say kissing his cheek. Remus Lupin my boyfriend for three years came into the library. "What you doing?" He asks me. I smile up at him and point to what I'm reading. I was reading things about animigus. I am one if you didn't know I turn into a red panda. "Look hear Remus if someone turns into their animigus form close too death they have a chance of surviving," I remark to the fellow seventeen year old. "That could be useful," he says giving me a kiss on my cheek. I know we've been dating for ages and we're Hogwarts dream couple though I still go rosie every time he does that.

Then it clicks I shot up it may have been five minutes or so and I change into my animigus form and go find Andy.

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