The royal council Part 17

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Juniper walked with the group into the dining hall. Sitting in the front of the room her Father, Stepmother, Jax, and Jesup were waiting for them. Standing up and walking to his daughter the King pulled Juni into his arms. "I'm so sorry for what happened to you my dear daughter, your stepmother and I were beside ourselves with worry. Its so good to see you home again at last." The Old King said to her. Juniper felt a warmness at his touch. He had never showed affection to her and her sister since they came here. Juniper was touched by his kind words. " Thank you, Father, I'm glad to be back to. Silver had told me I need not attend the Court if I do not feel up to it, but I feel I must confront Jeremy for his crimes against me." Juniper said. "Jeremy I thought the Scums name was Raldha. Jeremy the jerk. Is that who hurt you Juni. How did Jeremy the jerk get to Faeree." Willow said in a Horror filled tone. " Raldha is his Actual form he Took the form of Jeremy the jerk in the human world." Juniper said. " How do you know Raldha from the human world." Teak asked. Juniper and Willow filled the group in on Juni's dealings with Jeremy and the way he treated her. By the end of breakfast all the men at the table were even more angry at Jeremy. " He was going to leave you without a way to feed and shelter yourself. How dare he do that to you." Shouts of outrage from the men were on going. Finally Silver intervened. "We should discuss the Council meeting. I believe we should Conduct it as soon as possible. This afternoon would be ideal what do you think dear." Silver said looking to the Old King. The men all agreed by noontime meal the man would be sentenced for his crimes. Leaving to ready themselves for the meeting Juniper and her mates went to their room. Walking in Juniper walked to her closet. The king told her they have to wear the traditional clothing for the meeting. Grabbing her Dress and crown Juniper walked into the bathroom. Juniper shed her clothing and stepped into the bathing pond. Warm water surrounded her as steam swirled. A calming sensation came over her. Juniper had not noticed how tense she was since the subject of Jeremy was brought up Until that very moment. Leaning her head back and closing her eyes Juniper was suddenly back in the cold cell hanging in front of Jeremy and his horrible whip. Letting out a scream as the whip cracked against her skin she suddenly couldn't breath. Darkness colored her vision and panic set in. 

As Aspen was sliding his arm into his shirt he heard a blood curdling scream. It was Juniper in the bathroom. running to the bathroom door he found it locked. Slamming into the door to open it was not helping. The quads were all putting everything they had into the door. Banyon mind linked Jax and told him what was happening. Jax always levelheaded Told Jesup what was going on. Jesup Jumped up out of his chair and ran to the prisoner's cell. Jax followed close behind. Jesup ran into the cell grabbing up a syringe of a glowing liquid sticking the needle into the prisoners neck. after a few moments the prisoner collapsed in his chains to the floor. " You mind telling me what happened there." Jax said to him. " Dark elf's have the ability to project their thoughts. They can also influence the world around you with a thought. Its why we have kept him sedated since bringing him here. Some of us have the ability to combat his visions and actions but the Twin Queens don't even know of his abilities." Jesup said. Aspen and the others were slamming into the door. Aspen told the others to move and sent a kick to the door handle. With a crash the door splintered just as Juniper's head broke the waters surface. Jumping into the water fully clothed Aspen pulled Juniper into his arms as she coughed and struggled to draw a breath. With large gasp's Juniper cried into his chest. hanging on to his waist as if her life depended on it. Banyon, Ash, and Teak all tried to calm their mate as well not understanding what had just happened. Banyon received a message through Mind link from Jax. Jax told him what Jesup had said about the elf. He also told him that Jesup believed that whoever was due to drug the elf the night before had neglected his duties on purpose. Jesup was currently informing the Old King of what happened and trying to find out who was on duty last night. Juniper was starting to recover from her panic when Banyon told the others what happened. "He has help inside the castle. He told me during one of his many visits. He said I will never be safe no matter what world I'm in I will be destroyed." She told the others. "Juniper, you look at me love. You will be kept safe we will be rid of him by tonight. As far as anyone else hurting you that will not happen either If I have to give my last breath I will keep you safe." Aspen said to her. He was shaking anger rolling off of him in waves. Fear evident in his beautiful eyes. Juniper laid her head on his chest rubbing her hand back and forth on his back trying to calm him. " This may be a bad time, but I don't think we will be wearing our traditional clothes to the meeting." She said. Looking around the group started laughing. " You may be right my love." Teak said feigning sorrow which was ruined with the sparkle in his eye. The room was a complete mess. Juniper's dress Lay covered in wood chips and soaked on a nearby vanity. Aspens clothes were soaked as he stood in the pond holding Juniper, Ash and Teak were also in the pond. Banyon the only one not soaked was covered in dust and wood chips from the door. After washing up and dressing in Normal day clothes and their crowns the group went to join the Council meeting. 

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