💃🏼Getting home💃🏼

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Gus pov:

As we walked into the door my dad yelled from the kitchen "so... how did it go? Did you guys have fun?!" We laughed and we were walking over to the kitchen when I heard a familiar voice come from the living room

Matt's pov:

As we were walking over to the kitchen I heard someone else say "yeah did you have fun?" I stopped for a moment when I dropped Gus's hand a ran into the kitchen while almost tripping I looked around to see Perry smiling and Steve sitting on the ground with his arms out as I ran over to him i heard Perry laughing I hugged Steve as tight as I could while crying happy tears so was Steve while kissing me, as Gus walked into the kitchen saying this "ugh you run to fast!" While we all stared to laugh when Gus whispered in my ear "are you going to tell him?" I thought for a moment then looked at Steve saying "Steve I'm gay..." idk what I was expecting to happen maybe some yelling or him leaving upset and disgusted or slap me across the face but it was a pat on the head and a "as long as you're happy but who are you dating...?" I looked over at Gus as he held my hand Steve then gasped and hugged us both saying congratulations and stuff like that then all four of us Gus,Perry,Steve and me went into the living room and talked for hours until it was time to go home I made Steve carry me so that was a bonus and when we got home there was no yelling no screaming no bottles being tossed. Nothing. Steve then mentioned that dad went back to jail i shouted "about time he went to jail!" Steve started laughing so did I, that night I may or may not have slept in Steve's room but before I went to bed Gus texted me

Gus: good night love ❤️

Matt: good night


Then I set my scroll down and fell asleep thinking I'm so glad to back home with Steve and to have a great boyfriend like Gus.

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