2. Gunpoint

930 66 37

Thursday, December 16

9:39 PM

"And how's your shift going?"

I glanced up from the counter I stood at, seeing my boyfriend, Thomas, standing there, grinning cheek to cheek. His blue eyes stared into mine, while his short brown hair fell just in front of his eyes, sprinkles of snow cascaded throughout his hair. I smiled at the sight of him.

"Well, it's a Thursday at 10 o'clock if that says anything," I said to him, my voice laced with a playful tone. "It hasn't been busy all day. I might be able to get out a bit earlier."

Thomas' smile grew bigger as he looked at me, gently tapping his fingers against the counter before he spoke.

"Does that mean I'll actually get to see you before I go to sleep?" He asked me, his eyes lighting up at the idea of us finally having a night together.

I never realized how much of a toll my simple job at a diner had on my relationship until I was arriving home at 12 AM, constantly being called in on my days off, and barely getting to see him. I could feel the strain it was having on my relationship; Thomas barely texting me on my shifts, never coming by, stopping all efforts to hang out, and, well, cheating on me.

 I know he's cheating on me.

"Maybe," I said giving him a small, hopeful smile. "It just depends on how late Benny wants me to stay."

Thomas rolled his eyes before fixing them back on me, sighing quietly. "Come on, Carmen," he said, a slight whine in his voice. "I just want one night with you where you aren't exhausted from work."

"I can't do anything about that, Thomas," I shook my head, starting to get a bit frustrated with the way he was acting - he showed up to my work to beg for sex, basically. "I promise, I'll try my hardest, okay?"

Thomas stared at me for a second, huffing. "You say that every time," he shot back, looking obviously upset with me. "But I guess I'll let you lead me onto something that won't happen. Again."

Although Thomas was speaking to me, I couldn't help but notice the black cars that pulled into the diner parking lot, once again, late at night. Could it be the men from last night?  I thought to myself as I started reaching for menus, preparing to get ready to serve the large group of business men I had remembered from last night. Specifically the blue eyed one, Cillian.

"You're not even fucking listening are you?" Thomas suddenly asked me, quickly causing my eyes to dart away from the window I was staring out of and back at him.

"What?" I said a bit disoriented, being too immersed in my thoughts beforehand to pay attention to the words he was saying.

"That's what I thought," He rolled his eyes and began turning away from me, pushing on the doors to leave. "You can walk home tonight."

I watched as he pushed through the doors of the diner, leaving us on a bad note.. once again. I sighed quietly to myself, staring down at the counter in front of me until someone quickly took Thomas' spot; Elise.

"What a fucking douche he is," She said to him as she rolled her eyes, leaning against the counter, a lollipop hanging in her hand. "You need to break up with him before I break him."

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